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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

AAS (Analog Address System) - Common Repair Issues

What do I do if the black line stays on LCD display?

SW1 reset switch is likely shorting internally and needs to be replaced.

See article: AAS (Analog Address System) - Black Lines Across Top of LCD, Intermittent Output

What do I do if none of the work station controls function?

Replace U1, U2, or U3, these are quad opp amps.  This is a socketed chip. This chip pops out and can be replaced easily.  When taking this chip out and replacing it, the person should be grounded.  If the person does not have a wrist strap or any other method of grounding themselves, they should place one hand on any metal part of the console before touching the chip or any part of the board, and leave their hand on the metal until they are finished replacing the chip.  This can be caused by a lightning strike. 

What do I do if the lights flicker at around 20%?

Input Filter Board needs to be changed, or it could be the quad op amps on the Input Filter board. (U1 & U2).

What do I do if the "Take Control" From Workstation switches to a different work station by itself?

U11 & U12 need to be upgraded to 74HC367 (Z172).

What do I do if it gets stuck in Analog address screen or it reboots by itself?

SW1 reset switch is likely shorting internally and needs to be replaced.
See article: AAS (Analog Address System) - Black Lines Across Top of LCD, Intermittent Output

The socket in U13 has lost contact w/ Processor chip and the socket needs to be changed.

What do I do if there is no DMX communication?

U14, which is a 75176, socketed chip, needs to be replaced.  This chip pops out and can be replaced easily.  When taking this chip out and replacing it, the person should be grounded.  If the person does not have a wrist strap or any other method of grounding themselves, they should place one hand on any metal part of the console before touching the chip or any part of the board, and leave their hand on the metal until they are finished replacing the chip.  

Also see article: AAS (Analog Address System) - DMX Input/Output Socket IC's 

What do I do if there is no DMX output?

DMX will pass to any channels that are not patched.  The "pile on" setting allows DMX to pass through all channels, but highest will take precedence if control conflicts between AAS and Console input.  SW3 needs to be in "normal" mode for AAS control.  "Bypass" mode only passes through the DMX input with no AAS control.

  • DMX pile on must be disabled at the console, and the SW3 needs to be in "bypass" mode in order to bypass the AAS processor board.  If you have a DMX output problem you can use this to determine if the problem is in the AAS processor board.  If you determine that the problem is in the AAS processor, it is U14 and or U15, which are, socketed 75176 chips.  This chip pops out and can be replaced easily.  When taking this chip out and replacing it, the person should be grounded.  If the person does not have a wrist strap or any other method of grounding themselves, they should place one hand on any metal part of the console before touching the chip or any part of the board, and leave their hand on the metal until they are finished replacing the chip.  This can be caused by a lightning strike. 

Also see article: AAS (Analog Address System) - DMX Input/Output Socket IC's 



  • To clear and get default setting or to start from scratch, or to Patch 1 to 1:
    1. Turn off Power Switch
    2. Hold down ENTER.
    3. Turn Power on while still holding down enter.  The screen will say, "Clear all."  Then it will say, "Release," and you can let go of ENTER.
    4. Turn Power off.
    5. Hold down DIMMER UP.
    6. Turn Power on while still holding down dimmer up.  The screen will say, "Build Default."  Then it will say, "Release" and you can let go of DIMMER UP.
  • J1 thru J8, Pin 1 should read 10-12 volts (10.4V is OEM), green LED is the voltage indicator.
  • DMX pile on must be enabled to allow DMX to run through, but   (Enable in Console menu).  SW3 needs to be in "normal" mode for pass through.
  • DMX pile on must be disabled at the console, and the SW3 needs to be in "bypass" mode in order to bypass the AAS processor board.
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