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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

BIOS Chooses Gio@5 Instead of Ion As Desk Type During Image


When imaging an Ion/Ion XE/Ion XE 20 and prompted to select a desk type, I choose 'I' for Ion but Gio@5 is selected instead.

Description/Explanation of Issue

On the keyboard supplied with this console, 'I' translates to '5' when number lock is activated. Since '5' is the option for Gio@5, you likely have number lock activated.

How can I tell if this is happening?

After re-image if your console says "Waiting for Console Hardware to Initialize" when you attempt ot launch then it has been re-imaged as Gio @5 rather than Ion.

When re-imaging, after clicking Ion there should be an image that shows: Gio at 5 Selection.png

If this says Gio @5 instead they chose incorrectly.   To go back and choose I instead, press B.


  1. Verify number lock is active (its associated LED will be illuminated).
  2. While holding down the 'FN' key, tap the 'F11' key.
  3. Choose 'I' again, you should not be directed to the page to choose the type of Ion.


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