Show File Contents in Express
Each showfile saved with version 3.03 (or later) system software contains recordings or settings in two general programming classifications. Some programming pertains directly to the show, such as recordings of cues, groups and focus points. Other programming pertains to your system configuration, such as clock or MIDI settings that seldom if ever change.
At your option, you can read show and configuration contents separately or at the same time using the console’s diskette read operations. If you read show contents only from the diskette, your console’s system configuration at that time will not change. Conversely, if you read only the system configuration contents from the diskette, the show information in console memory does not change.
The portion of a showfile that represents show contents is identified below. There are some configuration settings, however, that are also considered part of the show contents.
- Bump button status
- Channel attribute settings
- Cues and their settings
- Dimmer profile and proportional settings
- Dimmer profile revisions
- Doubled dimmers
- Encoder setup
- Fixture attribute setup
- Focus points
- Groups
- Link lists
- Macros
- Parked channels and dimmers
- Patching for conventional lights
- Patching for ML fixtures
- Show name
- Personalities loaded
- Submasters and their settings
- Time code events