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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

EAG - ETC Acronym Guide

Here is a glossary of some of the common acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms used by ETC 

789 Keystroke sequence to reset many ETC consoles to default system parameters ETC control consoles
10 Base 2 Coaxial cable based Ethernet; also known as "thinnet" Ethernet
10 Base 5 Multi-cable based Ethernet; also known as "thicknet" Ethernet
100BaseFX Multi-mode or single mode fiber optic Ethernet, 100 Mbps, full-duplex capable Ethernet
100BaseTX Unshielded Twisted Pair Ethernet, Category 5, 100 Mbps full-duplex capable Ethernet
10BaseFL Multi-mode fiber optic Ethernet, 10 Mbps, full-duplex capable, replaces FOIRL Ethernet
10BaseT Unshielded Twisted Pair Ethernet, Cat. 3/4/5, 20 MHz, full-duplex capable Ethernet
1PH Single phase option kit for Unison dimming racks Unison
2P&G "Two Pin and Ground" electrical connector, also known as "Stage Pin" Electronics industry
AAS Analog Address System - architectural control system LMI architectural
AC Alternating Current Electronics industry
ACLM Acclaim series lighting console ETC control consoles
ACN Advanced Control Network  
ACS Architectural Control System LMI architectural
A-D Analog to Digital Electronics industry
ADC Analog to Digital Converter Electronics industry
AF Advanced Features - option available for ETC Sensor dimmer racks Sensor
AFM Airflow Module - Sensor dimmer rack option Sensor
AIR Airflow Module - Unison external processor rack option Unison
ALC Architectural Lighting Controller, I.e. A Unison Processor Unison
AMX Analog Multiplex control signal entertainment industry
APS Architectural power supply Irideon
AR5 V.1 Irideon luminare, version 1 (V.2 is version 2) Irideon
AR500 trademark name for Irideon line exterior wash luminaire Irideon
ARCH Unison Architectural Option Board Unison
ARR Architectural Receiver, Rack-mount LMI architectural
ARRI ARRI-GB, London dealer that became ETC LTD ETC control consoles
ARW Architectural Receiver, Wall-mount LMI architectural
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange Electronics industry
ASTS Alternate Source Transfer System general dimming
ATC Astronomical Time Clock accessory
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode Ethernet
AUX Auxiliary 12V/24VDC power required by certain Unison control stations Unison
AUX POWER Auxiliary 12V/24VDC power required by certain Unison control stations Unison
AUX RACK Sensor Auxiliary Rack, used to terminate power input for a control system Sensor
AX Unison Auxiliary Rack, used to terminate power input for a control system Unison
AX6 Unison Auxiliary Rack, small size Unison
B96F Analog Breakout Box (female) Centronics to Cinch-Jones LMI dimming
B96M Analog Breakout Box (male) Centronics to Cinch-Jones LMI dimming
BC Branch Circuit Breaker Electronics industry
BGP Border Gateway Protocol Ethernet
BISDN Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network Ethernet
BL-12 Brighton Lights 12 channel dimmer pack LMI dimming
BM Blank Module Revolution
BOM Bill Of Materials  
Bps Bits Per Second Electronics industry
BRI Basic Rate Interface Ethernet
BYP Bypass Option board available for Unison dimmer racks Unison
CAC Central Audio Controller - Disney audio control PC Disney
CAT 5 IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet Category 5) Ethernet
CC Constant Current circuit breaker general dimming
CD-80 Strand Century dimmer rack series Strand product
CEM Control Electronics Module - Sensor dimmer racks Sensor
CGI Common Gateway Interface Ethernet
CH2 Lighting Methods Incorporated control console LMI control
CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer (processor) Computer industry
CLC Central Lighting Controller - PC running Lightmanager software on PWC systems PWC
CLNP Connectionless Network Protocol Ethernet
CLTP Connectionless Transport Protocol Ethernet
CMB Unison Control Module - Basic architectural Unison
CMBd Unison Control Module - Basic architectural and dimming Unison
CMd Unison Control Module - Dimming only Unison
CME Unison Control Module - Extended Architectural Unison
CMEd Unison Control Module - Extended architectural and dimming Unison
CMEi Unison Control Module - Extended Architectural with Ethernet option Unison
CMIP Common Management Internet Protocol Ethernet
CoS Class of Service Ethernet
CPU Central Processor Unit Computer industry
CRRFU Congo Radio Remote Focus Unit ETC control consoles
CUDI Common User Definable Interface - Unison control system for Walt Disney Corp. Unison
D192 Digital 192 channels - Colortran digital control signal Entertainment industry
D20 Dimmer Module, 20 ampere maximum load (D20=20Amp, D50=50Amp) general dimming
D-A Digital to Analog Electronics industry
DAC Digital to Analog Converter Electronics industry
DAS Digital Address System, LMI architectural control system LMI architectural
DC Direct Current Electronics industry
DIP Dual In-line Package Computer industry
DIU Dimmer Interface (ETC/LMI 1983-1988) LMI dimming
DMM Digital Multi-Meter Electronics industry
DMX see DMX512 Entertainment industry
DMX512 Digital Multiplex - control standard for digital communication in theatrical lighting Entertainment industry
DMX-I DMX to Composer Interpreter - Irideon control signal converter box Irideon
DPS Dual Processor System ETC control consoles
DR Dimmer Rack (Unison) Unison
DR12 Dimming Rack (Unison) - 12 dimmer modules Unison
DR6 Dimming Rack (Unison) - 6 dimmer modules Unison
DRC Designers Remote Console ETC control consoles
DVM Digital Volt Meter Electronics industry
DWS Designers Worksheet ETC control consoles
EA Enhanced Aluminum (reflector), standard reflector on Source Four fixtures Source Four
EAG ETC Acronym Guide ETC
EC Electrical Contractor Electronics industry
EC-DA Electrocontrols Digital to Analog Convertor (RD Card) LMI dimming
ECMUX Electro-Controls Multiplex digital control signal Entertainment industry
EC-PB Electronic Control Plug Box Entertainment industry
EC-PB-DMX Electronic Control Plug Box (DMX) Entertainment industry
ECS Emphasis Control System ETC control consoles
EDMX DMX transmitted via Ethernet (ETC proprietary control signal) ETC control consoles
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory Computer industry
EIA485 Electrical specification for DMX (also see RS485) Electronics industry
ELTS Emergency Lighting Transfer System general dimming
EM- Electronic Module - Lighting Methods Incorporated dimming control module LMI dimming
EMAP Electronic Module - Architectural Processor LMI architectural
EMAR Electronic Module - Architectural Receiver LMI architectural
EMIR Old RNC LMI architectural
EMR Electronic Module - Receiver LMI dimming
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory Computer industry
ER4 External Rack - for Unison processors (four slots) Unison
ESTA Entertainment Services and Technology Association Entertainment industry
ETC Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc. Entertainment industry
EXP2 Expression 2 series lighting console ETC control consoles
EXP3 Expression 3 series lighting console ETC control consoles
EXPN Expression series lighting console ETC control consoles
EXPS Express series lighting console ETC control consoles
FIFO First In, First Out (Memory) Computer industry
FLO Fluorescent Option board for Unison dimmer racks (for use with 4-wire ballasts) Unison
FOH Front of House Entertainment industry
FTB Full Tracking Backup ETC control consoles
FTP File Transfer Protocol Ethernet
GC General Contractor Electronics industry
GTL Grounded Twist Lock - electrical connector Electronics industry
GUI Graphical User Interface Computer industry
HD High Density Dimming Rack (Older dimming rack) LMI Dimmer LMI dimming
HL House Left Entertainment industry
HR House Right Entertainment industry
HTML Hypertext Markup Language Ethernet
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol Ethernet
I5M Response Optical Isolation box - one input, five output Response
IAD Analog to Digital Convertor (RSVP 96 in) Response
IADR Analog to Digital Convertor Rack Mount (RSVP 96 in) Response
IATSE Internation Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Entertainment industry
IBEW International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Electronics industry
IC Integrated Circuit Computer industry
IDA Digital to Analog Convertor (RSVP 96 out) Response
IDAR Digital to Analog Convertor Rack Mount (RSVP 96 out) Response
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Electronics industry
ILC Intelligent Lighting Controls, maker of DMX relay cabinents  
IM Iris Module Revolution
IMP2 Impression 2 series lighting console ETC control consoles
IMPN Impression series lighting console ETC control consoles
INST Insight series lighting console - includes Insight 72 and 108 ETC control consoles
IP Internet Protocol Ethernet
IPX Integrated Package Exchange Ethernet
IR Early RNC (Also see EMIR), Lighting Methods Incorporated product LMI dimming
IRFU Infra-Red Remote Focus Unit accessory
IRR Old RNC Rack Mount, LMI product for installation in L86 dimmer racks LMI dimming
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network Ethernet
IST2 Insight 2 series lighting console - includes Insight 2 and 2x ETC control consoles
L86 Lighting Methods Incorporated dimming product line LMI dimming
LAN Local Area Network Ethernet
LCD Liquid Crystal Display Electronics industry
LD Lighting Designer Entertainment industry
LED Light Emitting Diode Electronics industry
LIB Lighting Interface Box - A method of driving contactors with feedback. Custom Part PWC(Disney)
LIR Lighting Interface Relays - provides external contact closure or input to Unison system Unison
LM Light Manager, configuration software for Unison architectural products Unison
LNB Load Net Backup - loads program to ALC from central control via network PWC/Unison
LPC Lighting Playback Controller ETC control consoles
MAC Media Access Control Ethernet
MCC Master Control Card - PCB with DMX input in fixture base Revolution
MCM Metal Cold Mirror (reflector), optional dichroic reflector for Source Four fixtures Source Four
MCP Master Control Processor Irideon
MDD Multiple Distributed DMX card, rack mounted, one input, up to five outputs Response
MDR Multiple Distributed DMX Receiver, rack mounted, up to five inputs, one output Response
ME Master Electrician Entertainment industry
Micro II Lighting Methods Incorporated digital control signal LMI dimming
MIPS Million Instructions Per Second Computer industry
Moby DAC Response product, 512 channel digital to analog converter Response
MPE Multi-Protocol Electronics, limited feature control module for Sensor product line Sensor dimming
MSC MIDI Show Control Entertainment industry
MTC MIDI Time Code Entertainment industry
MVFX Microvision FX Dimming Console ETC control consoles
MVSN Microvision Dimming Console ETC control consoles
NSL Network Services Layer Ethernet
OBS2 Obsession II series lighting console ETC control consoles
OBSN Obsession series lighting console ETC control consoles
OMC Overall Master Controller - PC running OMC software at Disney sites PWC(Disney)
OSI Open Systems Interconnection Ethernet
PAL Programmable Array Logic Computer industry
PB&G Parallel Blade and Ground, electrical connector also known as Edison plug Electronics industry
PCB Printed Circuit Board Electronics industry
PCI PC Interface, Unison station used to connect a pc to a Unison network Unison
PC-SLTA Personal Computer - Serial LonTalk Adaptor  
PD Portable Dimming, Lighting Methods Incorporated dimming rack LMI dimming
PE Production Electrician Entertainment industry
PFS Power Factor Supply Irideon
PM Project Manager Entertainment industry
PM Power Module - provides +24V supply and dims lamp. In fixture base Revolution
PPP Point to Point Protocol Ethernet
PRI Primary Rate Interface Ethernet
PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory Computer industry
PWC Park Wide Control - Extended Unison System, Used in Disney Parks Unison/Disney
RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks Computer industry
RAP Roving Analysis Port Ethernet
RC Remote Console ETC control consoles
RD Rack Dimming, Lighting Methods Incorporated dimming product line LMI dimming
RDM Remote Device Management  
REP Repeater module, used in Unison ER racks to lengthen power and data runs Unison
RFP Remote Facepanel ETC control consoles
RFU Remote Focus Unit, control console accessory ETC control consoles
RGO Remote Go Option, control console option accessory
RI Remote Interface, full function network node, also see RIU accessory
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer industry
RIU Remote Interface Unit, full function network node, also see RI ETC control consoles
RMA Return Material Authorization  
RMON Remote Monitoring Ethernet
RNC Response Network Controller Response
RPU Remote Processor Unit ETC control consoles
RRFU Radio Remote Focus Unit ETC control consoles
RS485 Electrical specification for DMX (also see EIA485) Electronics industry
RSP Response interface products Response
RSVP Response Interface Products Response
RTC Real Time Clock ETC control consoles
RVI Remote Video Interface, network node for remote video ETC control consoles
RWM Rotating Wheel Module - Rotating, Indexing gobo module Revolution
RX Receive (data) Computer industry
S4R Source 4 Revolution Revolution
SAP Serial Access Protocol, Unison, also see USAP Unison
SCC Secondary Control Card - Motor control card found in modules and fixture head Revolution
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface Computer industry
SD (1) LMI Single Dimmer Module or (2) LMI Stage Dimmer Pack LMI dimming
SERF Obsession Main Processor Board ETC control consoles
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language Ethernet
SL Stage Left Entertainment industry
SLC-141 Remote Focus Unit (Expression series consoles) ETC control consoles
SLTA Serial LonTalk Adapter  
SM Shutter Module Revolution
SMP Stage Manager’s Panel Entertainment industry
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers, analog control signal ETC control consoles
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Ethernet
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol Ethernet
SP- Sensor Portable, may refer to a touring rack or portable pack Sensor
SPS Single Processor System ETC control consoles
SQL Standard Query Language Computer industry
SR Stage Right Entertainment industry
SR- Sensor Rack, refers to non-portable or installation rack Sensor
SWM Static Wheel Module - Fixed (non-indexing) gobo module Revolution
T1 Transmission facility, DS 1, @ 1.54 Mbps Computer industry
T3 Transmission facility, DS 3, @ 44.736 Mbps Computer industry
TC Time Code Entertainment industry
TCP Transmission Control Protocol Ethernet
TD Technical Director Entertainment industry
TX Transmit (data) Computer industry
ULCD Unison Liquid Crystal Display control station Unison
ULP Unison Link Power Unison
ULPSA Unison Link Power Supply Unison
ULPSB Unison Link Power Supply Unison
UPLCD Unison Portable Liquid Crystal Display control station Unison
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply Electronics industry
UPSAC Unison Processor - early Unison processor mounted on Sensor control modules Unison
USITT United States Institute of Theatre Technology Entertainment industry
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair Electronics industry
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network Ethernet
VOM Volt-Ohm-Meter Electronics industry
WAP Wireless Access Point Computer industry
WRFU Wireless Remote Focus Unit ETC control consoles
WYE Three phase power configuration Electronics industry
XLR Audio-style barrel connector (3, 4, 5, or 6 pins) Electronics industry


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