EAG - ETC Acronym Guide
Here is a glossary of some of the common acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms used by ETC
789 | Keystroke sequence to reset many ETC consoles to default system parameters | ETC control consoles |
10 Base 2 | Coaxial cable based Ethernet; also known as "thinnet" | Ethernet |
10 Base 5 | Multi-cable based Ethernet; also known as "thicknet" | Ethernet |
100BaseFX | Multi-mode or single mode fiber optic Ethernet, 100 Mbps, full-duplex capable | Ethernet |
100BaseTX | Unshielded Twisted Pair Ethernet, Category 5, 100 Mbps full-duplex capable | Ethernet |
10BaseFL | Multi-mode fiber optic Ethernet, 10 Mbps, full-duplex capable, replaces FOIRL | Ethernet |
10BaseT | Unshielded Twisted Pair Ethernet, Cat. 3/4/5, 20 MHz, full-duplex capable | Ethernet |
1PH | Single phase option kit for Unison dimming racks | Unison |
2P&G | "Two Pin and Ground" electrical connector, also known as "Stage Pin" | Electronics industry |
AAS | Analog Address System - architectural control system | LMI architectural |
AC | Alternating Current | Electronics industry |
ACLM | Acclaim series lighting console | ETC control consoles |
ACN | Advanced Control Network | |
ACS | Architectural Control System | LMI architectural |
A-D | Analog to Digital | Electronics industry |
ADC | Analog to Digital Converter | Electronics industry |
AF | Advanced Features - option available for ETC Sensor dimmer racks | Sensor |
AFM | Airflow Module - Sensor dimmer rack option | Sensor |
AIR | Airflow Module - Unison external processor rack option | Unison |
ALC | Architectural Lighting Controller, I.e. A Unison Processor | Unison |
AMX | Analog Multiplex control signal | entertainment industry |
APS | Architectural power supply | Irideon |
AR5 V.1 | Irideon luminare, version 1 (V.2 is version 2) | Irideon |
AR500 | trademark name for Irideon line exterior wash luminaire | Irideon |
ARCH | Unison Architectural Option Board | Unison |
ARR | Architectural Receiver, Rack-mount | LMI architectural |
ARRI | ARRI-GB, London dealer that became ETC LTD | ETC control consoles |
ARW | Architectural Receiver, Wall-mount | LMI architectural |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange | Electronics industry |
ASTS | Alternate Source Transfer System | general dimming |
ATC | Astronomical Time Clock | accessory |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | Ethernet |
AUX | Auxiliary 12V/24VDC power required by certain Unison control stations | Unison |
AUX POWER | Auxiliary 12V/24VDC power required by certain Unison control stations | Unison |
AUX RACK | Sensor Auxiliary Rack, used to terminate power input for a control system | Sensor |
AX | Unison Auxiliary Rack, used to terminate power input for a control system | Unison |
AX6 | Unison Auxiliary Rack, small size | Unison |
B96F | Analog Breakout Box (female) Centronics to Cinch-Jones | LMI dimming |
B96M | Analog Breakout Box (male) Centronics to Cinch-Jones | LMI dimming |
BC | Branch Circuit Breaker | Electronics industry |
BGP | Border Gateway Protocol | Ethernet |
BISDN | Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network | Ethernet |
BL-12 | Brighton Lights 12 channel dimmer pack | LMI dimming |
BM | Blank Module | Revolution |
BOM | Bill Of Materials | |
Bps | Bits Per Second | Electronics industry |
BRI | Basic Rate Interface | Ethernet |
BYP | Bypass Option board available for Unison dimmer racks | Unison |
CAC | Central Audio Controller - Disney audio control PC | Disney |
CAT 5 | IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet Category 5) | Ethernet |
CC | Constant Current circuit breaker | general dimming |
CD-80 | Strand Century dimmer rack series | Strand product |
CEM | Control Electronics Module - Sensor dimmer racks | Sensor |
CGI | Common Gateway Interface | Ethernet |
CH2 | Lighting Methods Incorporated control console | LMI control |
CISC | Complex Instruction Set Computer (processor) | Computer industry |
CLC | Central Lighting Controller - PC running Lightmanager software on PWC systems | PWC |
CLNP | Connectionless Network Protocol | Ethernet |
CLTP | Connectionless Transport Protocol | Ethernet |
CMB | Unison Control Module - Basic architectural | Unison |
CMBd | Unison Control Module - Basic architectural and dimming | Unison |
CMd | Unison Control Module - Dimming only | Unison |
CME | Unison Control Module - Extended Architectural | Unison |
CMEd | Unison Control Module - Extended architectural and dimming | Unison |
CMEi | Unison Control Module - Extended Architectural with Ethernet option | Unison |
CMIP | Common Management Internet Protocol | Ethernet |
CoS | Class of Service | Ethernet |
CPU | Central Processor Unit | Computer industry |
CRRFU | Congo Radio Remote Focus Unit | ETC control consoles |
CUDI | Common User Definable Interface - Unison control system for Walt Disney Corp. | Unison |
D192 | Digital 192 channels - Colortran digital control signal | Entertainment industry |
D20 | Dimmer Module, 20 ampere maximum load (D20=20Amp, D50=50Amp) | general dimming |
D-A | Digital to Analog | Electronics industry |
DAC | Digital to Analog Converter | Electronics industry |
DAS | Digital Address System, LMI architectural control system | LMI architectural |
DC | Direct Current | Electronics industry |
DIP | Dual In-line Package | Computer industry |
DIU | Dimmer Interface (ETC/LMI 1983-1988) | LMI dimming |
DMM | Digital Multi-Meter | Electronics industry |
DMX | see DMX512 | Entertainment industry |
DMX512 | Digital Multiplex - control standard for digital communication in theatrical lighting | Entertainment industry |
DMX-I | DMX to Composer Interpreter - Irideon control signal converter box | Irideon |
DPS | Dual Processor System | ETC control consoles |
DR | Dimmer Rack (Unison) | Unison |
DR12 | Dimming Rack (Unison) - 12 dimmer modules | Unison |
DR6 | Dimming Rack (Unison) - 6 dimmer modules | Unison |
DRC | Designers Remote Console | ETC control consoles |
DVM | Digital Volt Meter | Electronics industry |
DWS | Designers Worksheet | ETC control consoles |
EA | Enhanced Aluminum (reflector), standard reflector on Source Four fixtures | Source Four |
EAG | ETC Acronym Guide | ETC |
EC | Electrical Contractor | Electronics industry |
EC-DA | Electrocontrols Digital to Analog Convertor (RD Card) | LMI dimming |
ECMUX | Electro-Controls Multiplex digital control signal | Entertainment industry |
EC-PB | Electronic Control Plug Box | Entertainment industry |
EC-PB-DMX | Electronic Control Plug Box (DMX) | Entertainment industry |
ECS | Emphasis Control System | ETC control consoles |
EDMX | DMX transmitted via Ethernet (ETC proprietary control signal) | ETC control consoles |
EEPROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory | Computer industry |
EIA485 | Electrical specification for DMX (also see RS485) | Electronics industry |
ELTS | Emergency Lighting Transfer System | general dimming |
EM- | Electronic Module - Lighting Methods Incorporated dimming control module | LMI dimming |
EMAP | Electronic Module - Architectural Processor | LMI architectural |
EMAR | Electronic Module - Architectural Receiver | LMI architectural |
EMIR | Old RNC | LMI architectural |
EMR | Electronic Module - Receiver | LMI dimming |
EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory | Computer industry |
ER4 | External Rack - for Unison processors (four slots) | Unison |
ESTA | Entertainment Services and Technology Association | Entertainment industry |
ETC | Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc. | Entertainment industry |
EXP2 | Expression 2 series lighting console | ETC control consoles |
EXP3 | Expression 3 series lighting console | ETC control consoles |
EXPN | Expression series lighting console | ETC control consoles |
EXPS | Express series lighting console | ETC control consoles |
FIFO | First In, First Out (Memory) | Computer industry |
FLO | Fluorescent Option board for Unison dimmer racks (for use with 4-wire ballasts) | Unison |
FOH | Front of House | Entertainment industry |
FTB | Full Tracking Backup | ETC control consoles |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | Ethernet |
GC | General Contractor | Electronics industry |
GTL | Grounded Twist Lock - electrical connector | Electronics industry |
GUI | Graphical User Interface | Computer industry |
HD | High Density Dimming Rack (Older dimming rack) LMI Dimmer | LMI dimming |
HL | House Left | Entertainment industry |
HR | House Right | Entertainment industry |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language | Ethernet |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol | Ethernet |
I5M | Response Optical Isolation box - one input, five output | Response |
IAD | Analog to Digital Convertor (RSVP 96 in) | Response |
IADR | Analog to Digital Convertor Rack Mount (RSVP 96 in) | Response |
IATSE | Internation Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees | Entertainment industry |
IBEW | International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers | Electronics industry |
IC | Integrated Circuit | Computer industry |
IDA | Digital to Analog Convertor (RSVP 96 out) | Response |
IDAR | Digital to Analog Convertor Rack Mount (RSVP 96 out) | Response |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Electronics industry |
ILC | Intelligent Lighting Controls, maker of DMX relay cabinents | |
IM | Iris Module | Revolution |
IMP2 | Impression 2 series lighting console | ETC control consoles |
IMPN | Impression series lighting console | ETC control consoles |
INST | Insight series lighting console - includes Insight 72 and 108 | ETC control consoles |
IP | Internet Protocol | Ethernet |
IPX | Integrated Package Exchange | Ethernet |
IR | Early RNC (Also see EMIR), Lighting Methods Incorporated product | LMI dimming |
IRFU | Infra-Red Remote Focus Unit | accessory |
IRR | Old RNC Rack Mount, LMI product for installation in L86 dimmer racks | LMI dimming |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network | Ethernet |
IST2 | Insight 2 series lighting console - includes Insight 2 and 2x | ETC control consoles |
L86 | Lighting Methods Incorporated dimming product line | LMI dimming |
LAN | Local Area Network | Ethernet |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display | Electronics industry |
LD | Lighting Designer | Entertainment industry |
LED | Light Emitting Diode | Electronics industry |
LIB | Lighting Interface Box - A method of driving contactors with feedback. Custom Part | PWC(Disney) |
LIR | Lighting Interface Relays - provides external contact closure or input to Unison system | Unison |
LM | Light Manager, configuration software for Unison architectural products | Unison |
LNB | Load Net Backup - loads program to ALC from central control via network | PWC/Unison |
LPC | Lighting Playback Controller | ETC control consoles |
MAC | Media Access Control | Ethernet |
MCC | Master Control Card - PCB with DMX input in fixture base | Revolution |
MCM | Metal Cold Mirror (reflector), optional dichroic reflector for Source Four fixtures | Source Four |
MCP | Master Control Processor | Irideon |
MDD | Multiple Distributed DMX card, rack mounted, one input, up to five outputs | Response |
MDR | Multiple Distributed DMX Receiver, rack mounted, up to five inputs, one output | Response |
ME | Master Electrician | Entertainment industry |
Micro II | Lighting Methods Incorporated digital control signal | LMI dimming |
MIPS | Million Instructions Per Second | Computer industry |
Moby DAC | Response product, 512 channel digital to analog converter | Response |
MPE | Multi-Protocol Electronics, limited feature control module for Sensor product line | Sensor dimming |
MSC | MIDI Show Control | Entertainment industry |
MTC | MIDI Time Code | Entertainment industry |
MVFX | Microvision FX Dimming Console | ETC control consoles |
MVSN | Microvision Dimming Console | ETC control consoles |
NSL | Network Services Layer | Ethernet |
OBS2 | Obsession II series lighting console | ETC control consoles |
OBSN | Obsession series lighting console | ETC control consoles |
OMC | Overall Master Controller - PC running OMC software at Disney sites | PWC(Disney) |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnection | Ethernet |
PAL | Programmable Array Logic | Computer industry |
PB&G | Parallel Blade and Ground, electrical connector also known as Edison plug | Electronics industry |
PCB | Printed Circuit Board | Electronics industry |
PCI | PC Interface, Unison station used to connect a pc to a Unison network | Unison |
PC-SLTA | Personal Computer - Serial LonTalk Adaptor | |
PD | Portable Dimming, Lighting Methods Incorporated dimming rack | LMI dimming |
PE | Production Electrician | Entertainment industry |
PFS | Power Factor Supply | Irideon |
PM | Project Manager | Entertainment industry |
PM | Power Module - provides +24V supply and dims lamp. In fixture base | Revolution |
PPP | Point to Point Protocol | Ethernet |
PRI | Primary Rate Interface | Ethernet |
PROM | Programmable Read-Only Memory | Computer industry |
PWC | Park Wide Control - Extended Unison System, Used in Disney Parks | Unison/Disney |
RAID | Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks | Computer industry |
RAP | Roving Analysis Port | Ethernet |
RC | Remote Console | ETC control consoles |
RD | Rack Dimming, Lighting Methods Incorporated dimming product line | LMI dimming |
RDM | Remote Device Management | |
REP | Repeater module, used in Unison ER racks to lengthen power and data runs | Unison |
RFP | Remote Facepanel | ETC control consoles |
RFU | Remote Focus Unit, control console accessory | ETC control consoles |
RGO | Remote Go Option, control console option | accessory |
RI | Remote Interface, full function network node, also see RIU | accessory |
RISC | Reduced Instruction Set | Computer industry |
RIU | Remote Interface Unit, full function network node, also see RI | ETC control consoles |
RMA | Return Material Authorization | |
RMON | Remote Monitoring | Ethernet |
RNC | Response Network Controller | Response |
RPU | Remote Processor Unit | ETC control consoles |
RRFU | Radio Remote Focus Unit | ETC control consoles |
RS485 | Electrical specification for DMX (also see EIA485) | Electronics industry |
RSP | Response interface products | Response |
RSVP | Response Interface Products | Response |
RTC | Real Time Clock | ETC control consoles |
RVI | Remote Video Interface, network node for remote video | ETC control consoles |
RWM | Rotating Wheel Module - Rotating, Indexing gobo module | Revolution |
RX | Receive (data) | Computer industry |
S4R | Source 4 Revolution | Revolution |
SAP | Serial Access Protocol, Unison, also see USAP | Unison |
SCC | Secondary Control Card - Motor control card found in modules and fixture head | Revolution |
SCSI | Small Computer Systems Interface | Computer industry |
SD | (1) LMI Single Dimmer Module or (2) LMI Stage Dimmer Pack | LMI dimming |
SERF | Obsession Main Processor Board | ETC control consoles |
SGML | Standard Generalized Markup Language | Ethernet |
SL | Stage Left | Entertainment industry |
SLC-141 | Remote Focus Unit (Expression series consoles) | ETC control consoles |
SLTA | Serial LonTalk Adapter | |
SM | Shutter Module | Revolution |
SMP | Stage Manager’s Panel | Entertainment industry |
SMPTE | Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers, analog control signal | ETC control consoles |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | Ethernet |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol | Ethernet |
SP- | Sensor Portable, may refer to a touring rack or portable pack | Sensor |
SPS | Single Processor System | ETC control consoles |
SQL | Standard Query Language | Computer industry |
SR | Stage Right | Entertainment industry |
SR- | Sensor Rack, refers to non-portable or installation rack | Sensor |
SWM | Static Wheel Module - Fixed (non-indexing) gobo module | Revolution |
T1 | Transmission facility, DS 1, @ 1.54 Mbps | Computer industry |
T3 | Transmission facility, DS 3, @ 44.736 Mbps | Computer industry |
TC | Time Code | Entertainment industry |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol | Ethernet |
TD | Technical Director | Entertainment industry |
TX | Transmit (data) | Computer industry |
ULCD | Unison Liquid Crystal Display control station | Unison |
ULP | Unison Link Power | Unison |
ULPSA | Unison Link Power Supply | Unison |
ULPSB | Unison Link Power Supply | Unison |
UPLCD | Unison Portable Liquid Crystal Display control station | Unison |
UPS | Uninterruptible Power Supply | Electronics industry |
UPSAC | Unison Processor - early Unison processor mounted on Sensor control modules | Unison |
USITT | United States Institute of Theatre Technology | Entertainment industry |
UTP | Unshielded Twisted Pair | Electronics industry |
VLAN | Virtual Local Area Network | Ethernet |
VOM | Volt-Ohm-Meter | Electronics industry |
WAP | Wireless Access Point | Computer industry |
WRFU | Wireless Remote Focus Unit | ETC control consoles |
WYE | Three phase power configuration | Electronics industry |
XLR | Audio-style barrel connector (3, 4, 5, or 6 pins) | Electronics industry |