Relevé Spot Error Codes
Error | Description | Fix |
Calibration Idle | No Calibration in progress | Should not appear in normal circumstances |
In Progress... | Calibration is running | |
Calibration Complete | Calibration completed successfully; correction threshold number should appear on-screen | |
Canceled by User | Calibration terminated via UI Input | |
Initial Alignment Err | Error during initial motor alignment; motor or encoder (or both) are not moving |
No Stop on Pass 0 | Did not find end-stop (based on encoder input) during initial movement | |
No Stop on Pass 1 | Did not find end-stop (based on encoder input) during first movement | |
No Stop on Pass 2 | Did not find end-stop (based on encoder input) during second movement | |
No Encoder Response | Encoder not changing when moving away from end-stop at the start of a calibration pass |
Range Error (High) | Too many encoder counts detected during calibration pass |
Range Error (Low) | Too few encoder counts detected during calibration pass |
Internal Error | Problem communicating with the Pan/Tilt motor driver board |