Source Four PAR EA rated to 750W
Marketing News 175
October 28, 1999
Source Four PAR EA rated to 750W
As of November 1, 1999, all Source Four PAR EAs shipped from the factory will be UL/cUL listed for up to 750 watts.
Product Information
- Source Four PAR EA's shipped from the factory after October 31, 1999, will be able to use all HPL lamps currently approved by ETC, including the 750W HPL.
- Source Four PAR EA will now have a "750" on the back of the burner cap.
- Source Four PAR MCM (Metal Cold Mirror) will not be rated or UL/cUL listed for 750 watts.
Ordering Information
Nothing changes! You still use the same part number you've always used. If you want to use a 750W HPL with your existing Source Four PAR EA, the change is easy!
Please Note: If this change is made to existing units in the field, the UL listing of that unit is no longer valid.
- If the date code on your PAR EA is 9/98 or after, just order a new strain relief casting (part number 7061A3024)
- If the date code on your PAR EA is 8/98 or before, just order a new burner casting (part number 7061A3023) plus the new strain relief casting.
- To order the above parts, please contact your ETC Customer Service Representative.