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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Stop cuelists or scenes from releasing when changing pages


The cuelist or scene will release when changing pages in Hog 4 OS.

Description/Explanation of Issue

The default setting of Page Change actions is "Release all".


There are 3 potential solutions to stop the release of active playback objects.

  1. Temporary hold over - this will carry over the playback object on the fader and will not release until you release|
    1. [ Choose ] on the fader that needs to stay active + [ Next Page ]
  2. Change the page change actions to Hold Over If Active
    Hold Over If Active will carry all playback items that are currently on to the next page. They will stay on those faders until you release them
    1. [ Setup ] -> ( Preferences)
    2. Navigate to the Misc. tab
    3. Change the Page Change Action to "Hold Over if Active"
    4. Hit OK
  3. Change the page change actions to Leave In Background
    Leave In Background will leave the active playback items going and will not carry them to the next page. To release them, you will need to go to the page or release from their directory.
    1. [ Setup ] -> ( Preferences)
    2. Navigate to the Misc. tab
    3. Change the Page Change Action to "Leave In Background"
    4. Hit OK
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