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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Echo Room Controller(ERMC) Firmware Will Not Install


Trying to update the firmware on the Echo Room Controller and it is not working.  The Power light is not blinking and the Firmware version number does not change in EchoAccess Mobile App Configuration Screen.  


Make sure the correct firmware is being used.  There are 2 generations of the Echo Room Controller: the Echo Room Controller and the Echo Room Controller-Gen 2.  The original Echo Room Controller will have a laser engraved metal cover and a Model number of "ERMC(4 or 8)".  The Echo Room Controller-Gen 2 will have a labelled metal cover and a model number of "ERMC(4 or 8)-G2"

  1. If you have the ERMC#-G2 panel, be sure the firmware file has "g2" in the name.  Example: "erc_g2_fw.efw"
  2. If the firmware file you are using does not match the example above, it is for the 1st generation of the Room Controller and is not compatible with the ERMC#-G2 hardware.

Firmware files can be found in ETC's UpdaterAtor software for both generations of hardware.  

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