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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

History of DRd 0-10v cards

DRd 0-10v cards have had 4 major revisions as of Nov 2023, and features were added to each release. You can tell which revision you have by looking at the part number on the sticker as noted in the photo below:

0-10V Part Number Sticker.png


Assembly Part Number Release change
7180B5612 Original release of the board
7180B5644 Changed such that when power is lost, the card goes into a high-impedance state (which sets 0-10V loads to full brightness on loss of rack power)
7180B5649 7/19 Added isolation between the 0-10V lines and the signal ground of the rack. This improves the resilience of the system to 0-10V lines with leakage voltage present
7180B5663 (MK2 0-10 Card) 11/23 Added isolation between each individual 0-10V output as well as each output and the signal ground of the rack.
Added signal filtering to each 0-10V output.
This tremendously improves the resilience of the system with leakage voltage present.
It helps to filter EMI issues and keeps any remaining issues isolated to a single output.
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