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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

How to disable gestures for Paradigm touchscreens in ControlDesigner


How do I disable the gestures for Paradigm touchscreens in ControlDesigner?


You cannot disable any gestures on the hardware itself. These instructions only apply to ControlDesigner 3.0.0 or higher, and only for P-TS7 or P-TS18 rev2 hardware.

For the whole configuration:

  1. Open your touchscreen .lcdconf in ControlDesigner
  2. Selection top-level of the config in the Object Browser
  3. In the Property Editor change "Page Change Gestures" from Yes to No
  4. Save your config and upload to the Paradigm system

For a single page:

  1. Open your touchscreen .lcdconf in ControlDesigner
  2. Select the page you want to remove gestures from
  3. In the Action Editor choose the Gesture type you want to remove
  4. Click the red X to remove the action from that gesture type
  5. Save your config and upload to the Paradigm system

For a popup:

  1. Open your toucshcreen .lcdconf in ControlDesigner
  2. Select the popup you want to remove gestures from
  3. In the Property Editor change "Hide Gestures" from Yes to No
  4. Save your config and upload to the Paradigm system


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