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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Upgrading Smartlink DRd to Echo DRd


Is it possible to upgrade a Unison DRd rack currently using a SmartLink Architectural Control Processor (S-ACP) to use an Echo Architectural Control Processor (E-ACP)? If so, what is necessary for this transition?


Yes! This is possible.  There are several components that can be re-used by Echo, including but not limited to: the Dimming Engine, the Rack Enclosure itself, the modules in the rack, and the communication wire to any stations.  

However, there are also several components that will need to be replaced as they are not compatible with both Smartlink and Echo. The items that must be replaced are as follows:

  • The S-ACP must be replaced by an E-ACP.
  • Smartlink Station Power Module (S-SPM) replaced by Echo Station Power Module (E-SPM).
  • All Smartlink stations replaced with Echo stations.
  • Right Input/Output PCB (Right I/O) revision "A-E" replaced by Right I/O revision "F" or later.  
    • You can order PN: 7183B5706 to replace the Right I/O.  This is the same part but without the connectors that are already in the rack.  

If you are planning to add a Network connection to the rack, you will also need to add an Echo Left I/O card. PN: 7186A1209


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