Switching Between Congo or Cobalt Versions
It is possible to have Congo version 6.4.1 and Cobalt version 7.x software installed side-by-side on XPe based Congo Family hardware. On Cobalt Family hardware and Win7 based Congo Family hardware, it is possible to have Cobalt version 7.3.1 and Cobalt version 8.x installed side-by-side.
Cobalt show files are not fully backwards compatible with Congo software. Cobalt version 8.x showfiles are not backwards compatible with version 7. See Backwards Compatibility of Show Files
Switching between Congo Version 6.4.1 and Cobalt Version 7.x
To Congo v6.4.1 from Cobalt v7:
Press F1 repeatedly as soon as the marbled grey Congo desktop background appears on the screen (after the BIOS/Full Screen ETC/Congo Logo) until the Welcome Screen appears.
To Cobalt v7 from Congo:
Press F2 repeatedly as soon as the marbled grey Congo desktop background appears on the screen (after the BIOS/Full Screen ETC/Congo Logo) until the Welcome Screen appears.
Switching between Cobalt Version 7.3.1 and Cobalt Version 8.x
To Cobalt v7.3.1 from Cobalt v8.x:
Repeatedly press the Down Arrow button on an external USB keyboard connected to the console as the console boots up until the Welcome Screen appears.
To Cobalt v8.x from Cobalt v7.3.1:
Repeatedly press the Right Arrow button on an external USB keyboard connected to the console as the console boots up until the Welcome Screen appears.