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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Internal or External Screen of Apex Console goes dark


In the middle of programming, one screen of an Apex console suddenly goes dark.  The backlighting of the screen may remain lit, but nothing appears on the screen.

Description/Explanation of Issue

There have been occasional reports of this issue early in the rollout of Apex consoles.  Known causes include

  • Interference from 2-way Radios
  • Static ESD discharge, as when plugging in a USB cable or thumbdrive
  • Moving the screen (causing an internal connection to flex or become loose)
  • Issues with early firmware on the monitor transition cards


If the screen returns to normal operation after a few seconds, it has recovered from the interruption and should continue operating normally.  

If the screen does not return to normal operation after 60 seconds / 1 minute, proceed with these troubleshooting steps:

Record the following information:
  • Date/Time the screen goes out
    • Press [Displays]+[Record] to put a "pin" in the logs if running the Eos application
  • What (if anything) was happening around that time (such as use of 2-way radios, plugging in USB thumbdrives, moving the monitors, etc)
  • Which screen is dark/off
    • If the screen is External, which DisplayPort connection is it plugged into
    • If the screen is External, are adapters being used
  • Whether the backlight appears on or not
  • Whether the mouse can appear on the dark screen
  • If touching the dark screen selects things / moves the pointer to the touched location - that is, if touch input is still working properly
    • This test can be performed any time prior to rebooting the console to avoid accidental input on Magic Sheets, Direct Selects, etc
Once it is safe to exit out of Eos software:
  • Exit to the Welcome Screen and verify if the monitor works
  • Navigate to Settings > General > Monitor Arrangement > Identify to see if a big white letter appears on that screen
  • Navigate to the Touch Screen Test in Shell > Settings > Maintenance to see if it displays properly (blue screen with white popup)
  • Once it is possible, reboot the console to see if the monitor immediately works again.
If, after that testing, the issue is persistent with the internal monitors then please:
  • Open the back of your console monitors and check cables to red eMotion driver boards
  • Open up the control panel and check video cables coming from the carrier board
  • Find the part number on the red eMotion display drivers, take a photo or write down PN number.
  • Email or call Technical Services to determine if replacement eMotion display driver is necessary. They may ask for logs, part numbers, serial number of the console, and any other notes you have taken on this issue. 
  • If you were given a new red eMotion display driver to replace what is currently in your console then please follow:
eMotion Card.png
clipboard_e55ea4100186d9cc3df691570a151de8c.png clipboard_ef1ec0c44d82cce0195fbde0e492110a1.png
Check DisplayPort connection on eMotion display driver, is it seated well?  Check DisplayPort connection on carrier board, are they seated well?


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