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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Gadget or IO Board Listed in Detected Modules but Not Listed in Diagnostics Tab in Eos


  • - Gadget or IO Boards are listed in the "Detected Modules" field in the shell, but not listed in the "Diagnostics" tab in Eos.
  • - No DMX output.

Description/Explanation of Issue

If DMX Output is disabled, the IO Boards and Gadgets are not listed in the diagnostics tab and no DMX is being output.


  1. If running software version 2.6.4 or lower:
    1. Double-tap the [Displays] key to open up the browser. 
    2. Double-click Exit to exit out to the shell. Click {OK} to confirm.
    3. Once in the shell, tap {Settings} the {Local I/O} on the right-hand side.
    4. In the "Local DMX Outputs" field, make sure the "Enabled" and "Default Output Protocol" checkboxes are checked.
    5. Click {Accept} at the bottom of the screen.
  2. If running software version 2.7 or newer:
    1. Double-tap the [Displays] key to open up the browser. 
    2. Navigate to Setup>System Settings.
    3. Click on {Output} on the left-hand side.
    4. In the "Local DMX Outputs" field, make sure the "DMX Outputs" and "Default Output Protocol" tiles are set to "Enabled"
    5. Restart your console.

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