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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

IMX modules limitations for Eos Family Consoles


As of 2022-08-22, the following consoles will be installed with redesigned internal components and firmware v2.0.0.

  • Element 2
  • Ion XE 
  • Ion XE 20 
  • Ion XE RPU 

As of 2022-10-17, the following products will ship with redesigned internal components and firmware v2.1.0 installed:

  • Gadget II

Due to the redesign of these components, some features are currently unavailable. Future firmware versions will be released to restore these features.

Please see Eos Update for the latest updates as they become available.


Firmware v2.0.0 does not support the following features:

Feature Limitations 

Feature Workaround 
Remote Device Management (RDM) Use a networked ETC Net3 or Response DMX gateway
Device firmware update via DMX ports Use a networked ETC Net3 or Response DMX gateway
Local contact closures and relay outputs Use a networked ETC Net3 or Response DMX gateway
Dimming of face panel backlight and indicators (There is currently no workaround)
Live dimming of Littlite during brightness level adjustments. (Note: The brightness will not change while moving the fader, but will update a few seconds after releasing the mouse click. This affects both brightness settings in Eos, as well as the test app in the ECU (Shell))

Note: If you need to install Eos v3.1.4 on consoles that contain older module hardware (for example - to network older and newer consoles), doing so will not remove any features from the older consoles' firmware v2.0.0 will not be installed on the older modules.

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