X Keys and Eos Family Consoles
X-Keys are made by PI Engineering - their website and configuration software can be found here: http://piengineering.com/
X-Keys can be programmed to control the Eos Family consoles using macros. These macros are based on the hotkey layout for the console, which can be found here:http://www.etcconnect.com/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=10737481219
There were significant changes to these hotkeys for Eos version 2.3. Current layouts are based on this Eos version and changes may be needed to use them with older version of software.
Some X-Keys templates have been created by ETC as a courtesy to the customer. The "X-keys template" files are available on the “DIY Project Resources” section of Eos [Home].
A note about XK60 - this is a backlit keypad (in blue or red). We've set this up so the layer function toggles to the "red" layer. We've also placed in stock die-cut labels for this layout, with the text color suppressed for the inactive layer, while highlighting the text for the active layer. You can order these direct from the ETC online shop here: https://shop.etcconnect.com/eos-x-key-button-overlay/