Scenes and Channels vs Subs on Different Express Consoles
Depending on the flavor of your Express console, you will have a different options for your faders. You can see what type of console you have by going to Setup and looking in the bottom right corner of your monitor. You will have one of the following options:
- Express 24/48:
- top bank faders are always channels
- bottom bank faders can be channels or subs depending on system configuration
- choose fader layout via setup -> system settings -> 3 - scene mode
- two scene: both banks of faders are channels, top bank of faders is one look, bottom bank is another look, crossfade using the A-B faders
- one scene without subs: both banks of faders are channels, 1-24 on the top, 25-48 on the bottom
- one scene with subs: top bank faders are channels, bottom bank faders are subs
- Express 48/96 and 72/144
- separate sections of faders, one section dedicated to channels and the other to subs
- cannot interchange sub vs channel in system configuration
- choose channel fader layout via setup -> system settings -> 3 - scene mode
- one scene: both banks of faders are channels, all the same look
- two scene: both banks of faders are channels, top bank of faders is one look, bottom bank is another look
- Express 125/250
- only uses submasters on faders
- no 'scene' option in system settings section