ETCLink Errors in Express
ETCLink is the communications software that serves the Dimmer Monitoring System explained in ETClink Functions. ETCLink provides advisory messages for a wide variety of conditions, including information regarding your dimmers, racks, system, data, ports, and loads. These messages fall into two categories, fatal messages and secondary messages.Fatal messages deal with anything that could potentially terminate or drastically change the look of your show. You may set fatal messages to be displayed even when secondary messages have been disabled. Secondary messages deal with individual dimmer problems and warnings of potential rack temperature problems. These messages are generally less critical than the fatal messages. If you wish, secondary messages may be disabled without disabling fatal messages. See Error messages, for more information.
Fatal messages
Dimmer # has shut down due to an overtemperature condition. The dimmer will remain shut down until the condition is cleared at the dimmer rack. Use Dimmer Status to determine the rack number for the dimmer.
Rack # DMX port A/B failure. Either there is a problem with the DMX cabling/connections between the console and the rack, or the rack has been configured incorrectly.
Rack # A/B/C phase input (main) voltage is in error at #V. Rack # input (main) frequency is out of spec at #Hz.
Rack # has shut down due to fan failure or other interruption of air flow. Please check the rack, looking for dirty air filters, blocked air passages, or fan failure.
ETCLink has failed. Please check cabling and connections. If the problem persists, please call a qualified service technician.
Rack # processor error.
Secondary Messages
Dimmer # has a load, but the recorded load is zero. Because the recorded load is zero, the Dimmer Monitoring system is unable to determine whether the dimmer has a load error.
The load on dimmer # has changed. Because the dimmer output is not at a high enough level, the Dimmer Monitoring system is unable to determine the size of the load. To correct the problem use [Check Loads] to determine the size of the load change.
The load on dimmer # has changed from #W to #W. A decreased load indicates lamp failure. An increased load indicates that a lamp has been added since the last [Record Load]. Correct the problem or, to prevent further error messages, use [Clear Load] or [Record Load].
DC output has been detected on dimmer #. If this condition persists, it may harm the connected load. Please check the connected load.
An SCR has failed On/Off in dimmer #. The dimmer should be replaced.
Dimmer # output has failed on. The dimmer should be replaced.
Dimmer # output has failed off. Either the circuit breaker has tripped or the dimmer needs to be replaced.
Dimmer #'s load has failed. The most likely cause is a lamp failure. Either replace the lamp or, to prevent further error messages, use [Clear Load] or [Record Load].
Data error on Rack # DMX port A/B. Please check DMX cabling and connections between the console and the rack.
Rack # ambient temperature is high at # degrees F. The temperature does not yet exceed acceptable operational limits, but the rack should be checked. Please check the cooling/ventilation in the dimmer room.
Rack # ambient temperature is low at # degrees F. Please check the heating/ventilation in the dimmer room.
Rack # ambient temperature is outside the acceptable operating range at # degrees F. Please check the cooling/ventilation in the dimmer room immediately.
A ground fault (GFI/RCD) error has occurred in dimmer #. Use Dimmer status to determine the rack number for the dimmer.
The phasing in Rack # is not allowed. The rack has been shut down. Please check the input power service.