Editing focus points in Blind on Express consoles
You may modify a focus point in Blind. For example, add or delete fixtures or set levels of fixture attributes.
Follow the procedure below to set fixture attribute levels in a focus point. The selected fixtures need not already be represented in the focus point.
Keystrokes: | Action: |
1. Press [Blind]. | Blind display mode |
2. Press [Focus Point] [1]. | Selects focus point 1’s channels Prompt reads: Group mode – To recall a focus point, select the number and set it to a level To create or modify a focus point, select the number and press ENTER |
3. Press [Enter]. | Displays non-zero levels of all focus point channels Prompt reads: Select channel numbers |
4. Press [S8], Fixture, [8] [Thru] [1][2] [Only] [Color] [At] [5][0]. | Sets the color attribute(s) of fixtures 8 through 12 to 50 |
5. Press [Record] [Enter].a | Re-records focus point 1 as modified |
a Specify a number here to record to a different focus point, such as [Record] [5][0] [Enter]. If that focus point exists, it is overwritten. If it does not exist, it is created.