How to Determine if my Expression 2-family Console has MIDI Installed?
How can I determine if my Expression 2-family console has MIDI installed?
Follow these steps to determine if your console has MIDI installed.
Note: The Impression 2 console does not support MIDI.
- If your console was manufactured after 7/22/94, it has MIDI installed. Continue with the other upgrades.
- If your console was manufactured before 7/22/94, you can verify MIDI by using a digital voltmeter.
- Set your digital voltmeter to the diode test function.
- Put your negative probe on pin 5 and your positive probe on pin 4 of the MIDI IN connector. This may require the use of paperclips to access the pins.
- If you read 0.7vdc, swap your probes and read again.
- If you read nothing you do not have MIDI
- If you read 1.5vdc, you have MIDI installed.