Littlites on ETC Consoles
What ETC used to ship
ETC P/N M715 is sold for the Express console. It is an 18" straight XLR High Intensity fixture with a 5W (420mA) Q5 bulb. This fixture's CAE part number is 18X-HI.
ETC P/N M721 is sold for the Obsession II console. It is an 18" right angle XLR High Intensity fixture with a 5W (420mA) Q5 bulb. This fixture's CAE part number is 18XR-HI.
ETC Part# RT201 and RT202 are for Congo Jr, ION and Element
Tungsten type:
18" XLR 3pin
RT201 (note this model is no longer stocked by ETC)
LED type:
18" XLR 3pin
RT202 (note this model is no longer stocked by ETC)
It´s 18" long with a 90° XLR connector.
You can tell the difference between the Low Intensity fixtures and the High Intensity fixtures by the finned reflectors on the High Intensity fixtures that help dissipate the extra heat.
The Express power supply's 12Vdc rail has a 1A. supply.
The Obsession II power supply's 12Vdc rail has a 5 amp supply.
Either supply should be plenty for the 840mA draw of the two High Intensity Littlite fixtures we sell for either console.
If a customer reports an Express console which fails to boot when the Littlites are attached, we would like to see the power supply to determine the problem.
What ETC currently ships
All Eos family consoles use an LED type:
18" XLR 3pin
The pinout is the same as the RT202. So Congo, Ion, and Element users can use the M7183 as a replacement.