The non-locking power adapter for the SmartFade and SmartFade ML is now PS406-F. This part number includes different adapters for regionalization.

The locking power adapter for newer SmartFade and SmartFade ML consoles (produced after March 5th, 2012) is the PS372.

A previous non-locking version of the power supply was the PS366-F. However, that part is no longer available.

If you need a replacement non-locking power adapter, please order PS406-F.
The SmartFade power connector is a standard 2.5mm x 5.5mm connector. The length of the barrel (the silver part that actually plugs into the console) needs to be about 10mm long to plug into the old (non-locking) receiver. For that reason, the PS372 adapter's plug may not sit securely in the non-locking receiver.
It is also possible to use an off-the-shelf power adapter.
It should meet these specifications:
800mA to 1.2A 12V AC/DC peak. 15V DC max. 12V AC max. Input is AC or DC capable. The unit will work directly from a step-down transformer with 9-12V AC output. The polarity on the plug is center (tip) positive.
It is also possible to retrofit an older SmartFade or SmartFade ML console to use the locking power adapter (PS372). That requires a new bottom tray and I/O Assembly. There are kits available for each make of console (SmartFade 12/48 and 12/96; SmartFade 24/96; and SmartFade ML). Contact your ETC dealer or local technical support for more information.
If you are in doubt about which adapter to purchase, please contact your ETC dealer or local technical support.