Irideon Composer Programming Limitations
The range of allowable settings is typically limited to the range 0 to 1,000.
The following elements are limited to 1,000:
Maximum number of presets per room.
Maximum number of sequences per room.
Maximum number of templates (per template type).
Maximum number of event lists per room (with each list containing a maximum of 1000 actions).
The maximum number of schedules is limited to 254.
The maximum number of actions (preset, sequence, event, etc.) per schedule is 255.
Maximum DMX addresses is 512.*
* It is possible to address a full 512 channels of DMX in Composer. For this reason, it is theoretically possible to control 62 Irideon Fixtures and up to 512 DMX (single address) devices. For example, if a model of moving light has 5 channels each per fixture, 101 fixtures can be controlled from the MCP through Composer as long as some guidelines are followed. The DMX out from the MCP can only control up to 31 devices with a practical limit of 1000 feet of wire. For this reason, you will likely need to add at least 1 opto splitter. This will allow up to 31 devices on each output of the opto splitter. Remember each output can only handle up to 1000 feet of data wire. Also, test each type of the DMX devices with an MCP. Not all devices respond well to the output of the MCP. Every time a preset is played, the DMX signal is affected for a short period of time. Some devices ignore the signal changes, and some respond to them. If the tested device is affected, an ETC Response 2212 can be used to clean up the data between the MCP and the opto splitter.
When creating presets containing DMX devices, the intensity controller is used for setting only parameter data, based on the selected channel. When creating presets containing DMX devices, the intensity controller is used for setting all parameter data, based on the selected channel.