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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Selador Address Card Not Displaying the Control Card Code Version


When the Selador fixture is powered on, the display should briefly display the code version, but older Selador fixtures have address cards with an older version of code that did not display the code version on the control card. 

Address cards with the older code will only display "0.00" at startup before showing the DMX address, but that is only because of the older code.  If the control card works as it should, especially compared to other control cards with the desired code version, then the code on the control card is good.


The address card code can only be updated at ETC.  The new code is not required for any functionality other than displaying the code information at first power on.  The address card will still send the DMX address to the control card, and it will still be able to make the control card calibrate when Up and Down are held down on the address card.  

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