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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

A Fixture Type Is Not In The Fixture Libraries Of A Hog 3


A fixture type is not in the full fixture library.

Description/Explanation of Issue

A fixture type might not be in the fixture libraries on the Hog 3 because

  • It was written after the last updated Hog 3 library
  • It has not been written


  1. If it exists as a Hog 3 library, you can find individual libraries on the FTP site
    It is organized by manufacturer and then fixture name. As long as the file ends in .hog3lib.tar.gz, it can be used on Hog 3 consoles. If the library ends in .hog4lib, it cannot be used on Hog 3 consoles.
    1. If the library is on the FTP site, then it can be added to the show file. Here are the steps to add a fixture library on a Hog 3 console
  2. If the fixture library is not on the FTP site, then it has not been written. Hog 3 libraries are no longer being written by High End Systems. If you need the fixture type, you will need to use the Fixture Builder on the console to build it.
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