How to reload front panel firmware on a Hog 4 console
This procedure may need to be used is the console's front panel is not acting properly or does not flash on boot up.
Steps to Solution
- Power off console
- Power on console
- Hold down top 3 buttons on the board you are reloading firmware on
- Hog 4 and Full Boar 4 have two boards. One for programming and one for playback
- Playback Board = Next Page, DBO, Choose key for master 1
- Programming Board = Live, Scene, Cue
- Road Hog 4 and Nano Hog have one board for programming and playback
- Next page, Choose key for master 1, Choose key for master 2
- HedgeHog has two boards. One for programming and one for playback.
- Playback board = Choose key for master 6, Choose key for master 7, Choose key for master 8
- Programming board = Live, Scene, Cue
- Hoglet has one board for programming and playback
- Choose key for master 1, Choose key for master 2, Choose key for master 3
- Hog 4 and Full Boar 4 have two boards. One for programming and one for playback
- Release the buttons when the bios screen comes on
- Hog 4's bios screen = HOG4 logo
- Full Boar 4, Road Hog 4, HedgeHog 4 = HES logo