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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

How to reload front panel firmware on a Hog 4 console


This procedure may need to be used is the console's front panel is not acting properly or does not flash on boot up. 

Steps to Solution

  1. Power off console
  2. Power on console
  3. Hold down top 3 buttons on the board you are reloading firmware on
    1. Hog 4 and Full Boar 4 have two boards. One for programming and one for playback
      1. Playback Board = Next Page, DBO, Choose key for master 1
      2. Programming Board = Live, Scene, Cue
    2. Road Hog 4 and Nano Hog have one board for programming and playback
      1. Next page, Choose key for master 1, Choose key for master 2
    3. HedgeHog has two boards. One for programming and one for playback.
      1. Playback board = Choose key for master 6, Choose key for master 7, Choose key for master 8
      2. Programming board = Live, Scene, Cue
    4. Hoglet has one board for programming and playback
      1. Choose key for master 1, Choose key for master 2, Choose key for master 3
  4. Release the buttons when the bios screen comes on
    1. Hog 4's bios screen = HOG4 logo
    2. Full Boar 4, Road Hog 4, HedgeHog 4 = HES logo
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