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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Cannot make a backup of the current show on Hog 4 OS


When backing up the show file, an error appears and says "Backup not successful"

Description/Explanation of Issue

The show file was opened from an external USB drive and that USB drive was unplugged.


  1. Plug the USB drive that had the original show file into the console
  2. Open the Shows window
    [ Setup ] -> ( Shows )
  3. Go to "Current Show"
  4. Tap on Backup
  5. Choose the shows folder as the location
    1. Hit the drop down
    2. Choose the console
    3. Tap on the Shows  folder
  6. Log off the show
    [ Setup ] -> ( Quit ) -> Log off
  7. Tap on browse on the start window
  8. Find the backup in the shows folder
  9. Launch the backup
    This will allow you to work in a show that is on the console's hard drive.
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