Fixture does not have media preview in Hog 4 OS
When scheduling certain fixtures media previews might show as Gobo1 or Color1 whereas other fixtures might have a picture and/or a name in the media picker.
When scheduling a fixture, the default gobos, color slots, prisms, frost, etc do not match the fixture.
Description/Explanation of Issue
Not every fixture has media previews available. Most major manufacturers generally have media previews and names for their slotted items. Many less popular or foreign manufactures will not have media previews when scheduling them.
Many times a gobo or slotted color can be swapped out to fit the preference of the designer or the production house. This would result in the actual gobos and color slots not matching what came from the manufacturer or in published media.
Media previews can be specified by the user on a per fixture basis.
Select the fixtures you wish to modify
Open the Media Picker Hold [PIG][OPEN][Beam]
Select the parameter you wish to change (Gobos, color, etc)
Select a slot (Gobo 1, color4, etc)
Press [SET]
Browse to the corresponding image you want to change the preview to
Repeat for other slotted items
Media previews can be copied to other fixtures of the same type
Open the fixture window[OPEN][Fixture]
Press "Show details"
A "preview package" column should show up
Press [SET] in the preview package column to change the previews for the desired fixtures
This is useful when many of the same fixtures are in a show file, but not all fixtures have the same selections or order of gobos or slotted color.
Sometimes media previews may be available with new version of the fixture library, check the full library contents to see if there is an updated profile available.