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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Importing and Exporting Patch in Hog 4 software


Copying the patch from an existing show into a new or different show can be done by exporting the patch from an existing show, and importing it into another show. 

If the show is changing in a room but the patch is staying the same, this can be helpful for example. If there are multiple users wanting individual shows, the patch can be imported into new shows.


  1. In the Fixture Window are buttons for EXPORT PATCH, and IMPORT PATCH
  2. Pressing the EXPORT PATCH button will open a box allowing to name and select where to save the file. By default the files are saved in the EXPORTS folder found in the File Browser tab of the Shows window 
  3. To Import the file into a different show, open the desired show. Open the Fixture window. Press the IMPORT PATCH button and select the file to import.
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