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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

TFTP Service keeps Hog 4 PC from installing.


When installing Hog 4 PC, you will receive an error that says the following:

Service 'Hog 4 TFTP Service' (hogtftp) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.

Here is a picture of what the error will look like

TFTP_error as seen on the computer

Description/Explanation of Issue

Hog 3 PC is installed on the computer and not allowing Hog 4 PC to install.


  1.  Uninstall Hog 3 PC
  2.  Run the Hog 4 PC installer again
  3.  If you are still having issues, contact HES support.

If you need to run Hog 4 PC and Hog 3 PC on the same computer, install Hog 3 PC after Hog 4 PC has finished it's install.

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