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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Connectivity issues with Windows 7 and CMA when connecting to an Axon

Known connectivity issues are caused by Windows 7 User Account Control (UAC). UAC is part of Windows 7 security and has a side effect of blocking network traffic required for the CMA to operate. It causes the CMA to be unable to discover any servers.

If you are experiencing this problem, follow these steps to correct the issue:

  • Click the Start button on your computer's Taskbar
  • Select the "Control Panel" menu option on the right side of the Start Menu
  • Select "User Accounts" from the Control Panel choices
  • Select "Change User Account Control Settings"
  • Lower the slider on the UAC level control to "Never Notify".
  • UAC is now turned off. Relaunch the CMA program and verify that it can now discover fixtures

Please Note: With UAC turned off your computer may be more vulnerable to viruses and other computer attacks. It is recommended that when using the CMA no internet browsing should be done and UAC should be turned back on when CMA is no longer in use.

UPDATE October 21, 2011 Another issue has been discovered with Windows 7 CMA connectivity related to file sharing protocols. Some versions of Windows 7 do not have the file sharing protocols required by CMA active by default. These protocols can be activated easily using the following steps:

  • Click the Start button on your computer's Taskbar
  • Select "All Programs", then "Accesories"
  • Under "Accessories", right-click on the Command Prompt and select "Run as Administrator" from the pop-up menu
  • In the command prompt, type the following command exactly as seen here:
    sc config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb10/mrxsmb20/nsi
  • If the last command was typed correctly, the command window should show a success message
  • Type the following command, exactly as seen here, without quotations: "sc config mrxsmb20 start= auto" Again, a success message should be seen
  • Close the command prompt window and reboot the computer
  • Launch CMA and verify that it can now discover fixtures

These steps should correct the issue.
If your problems persist please contact support.


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