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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Issues manipulating Axon content using Mac CMA


CMA for Mac is no longer supported

Some customers have reported that the Mac CMA is regularly failing attempts to transfer or manipulate media server content on DL.2/DL.3's and Axons.

In our testing we have found that early releases of Mac OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard) causes issues with SAMBA (SMB) file manipulation between Mac and Windows computers which is what the MAC CMA and the High End Systems digital lighting family uses for content origanization and transfer.

If you are experiencing this problem, follow these steps to correct the issue:

  • Click the Apple logo on your Macintosh desktop toolbar
  • Select the "About this Mac" menu option
  • Check to see if you are running MAC OS v10.6.4
  • If not, please install the latest OSX updates from Apple
  • Once you have run all OSX updates re-check reliability of CMA content transfers

These steps should correct the issue.
If your problems persist please contact support.


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