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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

How To Update the Fixture Library on EchoTouch


How do I update my the fixture library on my EchoTouch, separately from the touchscreen software?



To update the software or fixture library of your EchoTouch, you will need an internet-connected computer, and a FAT32-formatted USB to transfer the file(s).

First, check your current version of EchoTouch software. If you are not running the latest version, please update your EchoTouch before proceeding.


Installing a fixture library update on a console not already running the matching version of software can cause issues that could require your console be reset to factory defaults

  1. To download the fixture library update, go to the EchoTouch Software download page, and click on the file named "EchoTouch vX.X.X Library Update X.X.X."
  2. Once the compressed folder has downloaded, unzip it to see two files: the library update (.cspkg), and a library contents list (.html). 
  3. Put the .cspkg file in the root directory of your USB drive, and insert the USB into your EchoTouch.
  4. On the console, navigate to Setup > Files > Advanced > Install Extras.
  5. You should see the .cspkg file as an available option. Make sure it's selected, and hit "Accept," then "Yes" to confirm the installation.
  6. Once the install is complete, restart your EchoTouch by pressing the Reset button near the USB port.
  7. Once the EchoTouch has fully booted, navigate to Patch > Add Device to confirm you have the current fixture profiles available in the Standard Library.
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