USAP RS232 Serial Port Settings
There are several versions of processor code. You can determine which version of code you have by accessing the [Arch] Menu in your Unison Processor. Please locate your code version and consult the below sections for correct communications information.
Note: USAP is not supported in processors containing code version 1.4 or lower.
For 1.5 and 1.55 Code Systems:
USAP is not supported in processors containing code version 1.4 or lower.
In order for Unison Serial Access Protocol to successfully communicate between devices, communication parameters must be set in the connected device to the following:
- 9600 bits per second
- 8 data bits
- 1 stop bit
- No parity
- “Break” not used.
For 1.65 through 1.9.0 Code Systems:
In order for Unison Serial Access Protocol to successfully communicate between devices, communication parameters must be set in the connected device to the following:
- Any one of the following baud rates may be used 4800,9600,19200, or 38400 bits per second.
- 8 data bits
- 1 stop bit
- No parity
- “Break” not used.
Note: Unison systems version 1.65 and higher default to 9600 baud rate. Rates can be changed in Light Manager prior to use if warranted.
For 1.9.1 and Higher Code Systems:
In order for Unison Serial Access Protocol to successfully communicate bi-directional, the specific presets, zones and macro properties must be Bi-Directional USAP Enabled within Light Manager software. Reference the Light Manager v1.9.1 Quick Guide for details.
- Any one of the following baud rates may be used 4800,9600,19200, or 38400 bits per second. System default is 9600 baud. Rates can be changed in Light Manager software prior to use.
- 8 data bits
- 1 stop bit
- No parity
- “Break” not used.