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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

How to perform a P-CCS No Load on your Paradigm Central Control Server


The Paradigm Central Control Server (P-CCS) isn't allowing a Virtual Touchscreen (VTS) to connect and/or you may not be able to access the Server's WebUI, even though it is powered on with a blue power LED on the front of the unit.

Explanation of Issue

There could be corruption of the configuration on the P-CCS, or a function within the configuration could be causing it to continually reboot and never fully loading.



Windows 10 users will need to delete the .txt extension via Advanced Properties, if "File name extensions" is not checked in their Windows Explorer. Search "file extension" to find this option. 

You can force the P-CCS to boot without a configuration by performing a P-CCS no load, following the steps below:

  1. Using a Windows PC, right-click on the desktop and choose New -> Text Document.
  2. Give it the name "PCCS_NO_LOAD" without quotes, and delete the .txt extension.
  3. You will see a Windows error which states "If you change a file name extension, the file might become unusable. Are you sure you want to change it?" Choose Yes.
    1. Alternatively, download the file here.
  4. Place the newly created file onto the root of a USB drive.
  5. Power off the P-CCS, and insert the USB drive into the port on the front.
  6. Power on the P-CCS and it will load without a configuration. As of Paradigm 4.2.0, it will retain its IP settings as defined by the previously loaded config.
  7. Proceed to load the configuration via the WebUI, or LightDesigner (only available to ETC Authorized Technicians).