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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Restore Instructions | Ion Xe RPU Win 10 | No Backup/Restore

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Required Materials

  • USB Flash Drive
    • Used to backup show files and existing settings (if applicable)
  • USB Keyboard
  • USB Mouse

This process will restore your console to the version of Eos that was current when your console left the factory. You will need to download the latest version of software and install it on your console to get it back to the latest version of software.


Important-Icon.png This process will completely wipe your console's hard drive. It will not be possible to restore shows or settings.

Restore Your Console

 One Time Boot into ETC Recovery Tools

  1. Power off your console.
  2. Ensure your USB keyboard is plugged into one of the blue USB ports on the back of your console.
  3. Begin repeatedly tapping the [F11] key on your USB keyboard. While repeatedly tapping [F11], power on the console. Continue to tap [F11] until the console boots to the blue "Please select boot device" screen.
  4. Use the [Down] arrow key on your USB keyboard to highlight the "ETC Recovery Tools" in white and press [ENTER] on your USB keyboard.
  1. The console will boot to the "ETC Console Image Utility". It may take 5-10 minutes for the tool to initialize
  2. Once prompted, press [Enter] on your USB keyboard to continue.


Restore the Disk Image

  1. You will be presented with several options in the Recovery Menu screen.
    1. Option 1 will restore only the C Drive.
      1. This will factory restore the console to the version of Eos that it shipped with and restore all settings to default, but will leave your show files intact.
    2. Option 2 will restore only the D Drive.
      1. This will factory restore the console's Show File Archive, Media Archive, and Model Archive to factory defaults but leave Eos and any settings on the console intact.
    3. Option 3 will restore both drives to factory default.
      1. This is the recommended option.
  1. Type the number corresponding to the option you want to select on your USB keyboard and then tap [Enter]
    1. For example, [3] [Enter] will restore both drives to default.
  2. Confirm you want to proceed with re-imaging by typing [Y] [Enter] on your USB keyboard.


  1. The console will then restore your selected drives. This process will take 5-10 minutes.
  2. Once complete and presented with the green screen, press [Enter] to proceed with the reboot.
  1. Your console should reboot into Eos and will be restored to the version of Eos your console shipped with.
  2. Use this article to download the latest version of Eos and update your console:
    1. Updating Software on an Eos Family Console
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