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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Re-Image Instructions | Net3 RVI3 with DVI | From v3.0.0 and Higher

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Required Materials

  • USB Re-Imaging Drive
    • (provided by ETC)
    • This should have a label of 4250D1020-x.x.x
      • This typically ships as part of the 4350K1007 - EOS FAMILY WINDOWS 7 IMAGE UPGRADE KIT
  • A separate USB Drive
    • Used to backup show files and existing settings
  • USB Keyboard
  • USB Mouse


1) Backup Your Data

Backup Show Files and System Settings 

  1. Boot up your console and launch into {Primary}.
  2. Save your current show file.
    1. Double-tap the [Displays] key to open the Browser and navigate to File > Save.
  3. Exit out to the Shell.
    1. Within the already-open Browser, double-tap the line that says Exit.
    2. Tap {OK} when prompted.
  1. Plug in the flash drive you want to backup your data to. This should be a different drive than the Re-Imaging Drive provided by ETC.
  2. Once in the Shell, tap on {Settings} and navigate to {Maintenance} on the right.
  3. Backup your show files to your flash drive.
    1. Tap {Backup Show Archive}.
    2. You will be prompted to choose the "Latest" show files or "Everything".
      1. Choosing {Everything} will backup all versions of each show while choosing {Latest} will only backup the most current version of each show.
    3. After making your selection, you will be prompted to choose which drive to export to. Be sure to select your flash drive and not the ETC Re-Imaging Drive. Tap {Save}.


  1. While saving, the console may appear unresponsive. Be patient and wait for the confirmation your files have been successfully processed. This may take several minutes.
  2. Tap {OK} once the files have been processed.
  1. Backup your system settings.
    1. Tap {Backup System Settings}.
    2. You will once again be prompted to choose which drive to export to. Be sure to select your flash drive and not the ETC Re-Imaging Drive. Tap {Accept}. Then tap {OK}.


Export Button Configuration
  1. Tap {Buttons} on the right side of the Shell.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the section titled "RPU Face Panel Buttons" and tap {Export}.
  3. You will once again be prompted to choose which drive to export to. Be sure to select your flash drive and not the ETC Re-Imaging Drive. Tap {Accept}. Then tap {Ok}.

Do you use Cobalt or Congo on this device as well as Eos? If so, you will need to backup your Cobalt/Congo data using the instructions below:

Backing Up Cobalt / Congo Data

2) Re-Image Your Console

 One Time Boot into ETC Console Image Utility

  1. Power off your console.
  2. Insert the USB Re-Imaging Drive (provided by ETC) into a USB port on the rear (using the center of the 6 USB ports if on a GIO or a TI) of the console.
    1. Do not use one of the USB ports next to the power input.
    2. If your console has a built-in keyboard drawer, you will need to remove the keyboard and plug it into the rear of the console.
  3. Ensure your USB keyboard is plugged in as well.
  4. Begin repeatedly tapping the [F7] key on your USB keyboard. While repeatedly tapping [F7], power on the console. Continue to tap [F7] until the console boots to the blue "Please select boot device" screen pictured here.
  5. Use the [Down] arrow key on your USB keyboard to highlight the image drive in black and press [ENTER] on your USB keyboard.
    1. This will be the line that is slightly indented.
    2. The wording for the drive may differ. Do not select the line beginning with "P" or "UEFI".
  1. The console will boot through the following screens:





  1. Once the console gets to the purple screen, press any key to continue.



Re-Install the Disk Image

  1. Turn off NumLock on your keyboard.
  2. A screen asking you to choose your device type will appear.
    1. Press [V] on your USB keyboard to select "RVI".
  3. A screen asking you to choose your RVI type will appear.
    1. Press [3] to select "RVI3".
  4. A screen asking you to choose what type of RVI3 you have will appear.
    1. Press [V] to select "Three DVI Connectors"
  1. A screen asking you to apply the image will appear.
    1. Press [A] to Re-install the FULL disk image.
  2. The image will now be applied. Do not power off the console during this time.


  1. After 10-15 minutes, the following screen will appear. Press any key on your USB keyboard to continue and your console will reboot.

The USB imaging drive should remain in the console for installation of software. Do not remove it until the process is complete. 

Automated Console Setup Utility

  1. After a few seconds, the console will boot into the Automated Console Setup Utility. After a few more minutes, it will initialize and begin installing software from the imaging USB drive.
  2. The console will reboot into the Automated Console Setup Utility several times while it installs various software and configures various components.


  1. The console will boot up into the Eos Family Software and the imaging process will be complete.
  2. The Eos Family USB Imaging Drive can now be removed.
  1. Once the re-image process is complete, you will need to load the latest version of Eos software from the installer archive.
    1. Exit out to the Shell.
      1. Double-tap the [Displays] key to open the Browser and double-click the line that says Exit.
      2. Tap {OK} when prompted.
    2. Once in the Shell, tap on {Settings} and navigate to {General} on the right.
    3. Tap {Software Update...}.
    4. Select the latest version of software at "D:\InstallerArchive\ETC_EosFamily_v3.X.X.X.exe" and tap {Install}.
    5. Follow the prompts on the screen to install the software.
    6. After installation has completed, the device will restart.


3) Restore Your Data

  1. Exit out to the Shell.
    1. Double-tap the [Displays] key to open the Browser and double-click the line that says Exit.
    2. Tap {OK} when prompted.
  1. Plug in the flash drive you originally used to back up your data.
  2. Once in the Shell, tap on {Settings} and navigate to {Maintenance} on the right.
  3. Restore your Show Archive from your flash drive.
    1. Tap {Restore Show Archive}.
    2. You will be prompted to choose which drive to import from. Be sure to select the flash drive you originally used to back up your data. Tap {Accept}.


  1. You will be prompted to choose the "Latest" show files or "Everything".
  2. Choosing {Everything} will restore all versions of each show from your flash drive while choosing {Latest} will only restore the most current version of each show.
  3. After making your selection, you will be presented with a prompt to select the shows you wish to restore. By default, all shows will be selected. Tap {Save}.
  4. You will be presented with a prompt explaining your files have been successfully processed. Tap {Ok}.
  1. Restore your system settings from your flash drive.
    1. Tap {Restore System Settings}.
    2. You will be prompted to select the .ini file you originally backed up to your flash drive. Once selected, tap {Ok}.
    3. You will be presented with a prompt explaining the system settings have been restored. Tap {Ok}.




Import Button Configuration
  1. Tap {Buttons} on the right side of the Shell.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the section titled "RPU Face Panel Buttons" and tap {Import}.
  3. Eos should automatically detect the button settings on your flash drive. Tap {Yes} to confirm import, then tap {Ok}.

If you previously backed up your Cobalt / Congo data, use the instructions below to restore it now:

Restoring Cobalt / Congo Data

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