My console is being transported via air and the BIOS (CMOS) battery must be removed during transport.
The BIOS (CMOS) battery stores persistent memory for BIOS and the Date/Time/Location settings for your console. Removing this battery and putting it back in will cause these features to reset to defaults. Unless otherwise altered by an end user, the BIOS settings on your console are also the default settings.
The BIOS (CMOS) battery does not store data for the Show File Archive, however it is highly recommended that the Show File Archive is backed up onto an external drive before the console is transported.
Replacement Battery
CR2032 batteries are commonly available. CR2032 can be sourced online (search for "CMOS battery 2032"). It is not possible to replace just the battery part of the CR2032W as they are manufactured not to come apart.
Note that CR2032W is not a standardised part, and batteries with that description may have a subtly different connector, and/or reversed polarity
CR2032W and CR2032 may be available from an ETC Dealer
Please check your console and purchase the appropriate style of replacement battery.
ETC Part Number BT130 |
ETC Part Number BT161 |
n.b. connector orientation
Eos Classic
Ion (Classic)
Element (One)
Eos Ti
Eos Apex Consoles
Eos RPU3 (w/ DVI Connectors)
Eos Apex Processor
Net3 RVI
Net3 RVI3 (w/out USB-C Ports)
Cobalt 20 & 10
Congo Sr
Congo Jr
Congo Kid
Gio @5
Ion Xe
Ion Xe 20
Element 2
Eos RPU3 (w/ DisplayPort Connectors)
Ion Xe RPU
Net3 RVI3 (w/ USB-C ports)
Eos Remote Interface
Which battery do I need for my Ion?
Early versions of Ion with a DVI Splitter should use CR2032.
Early versions of Ion with two DVI ports and one VGA port should use CR2032.
Late Ion classic with two network ports and a Display Port connector should use the CR2032.
How to Open an Ion