Extra Parameters in the Fixture Editor on Eos Family Consoles
When creating or editing a custom fixture with a color mixing system (i.e., CMY or RGB) or color selection (i.e., scrollers and color wheels) on an Eos Family console, there are certain parameters that will automatically trigger the addition of "virtual parameters" that are needed for use of the color picker and other functions, but are not output as DMX values.
For example, if you create a custom fixture with Red, Green, and Blue parameters, the console will automatically add Hue, Saturation, Brightness, and Intensity. As long as there is not a value in the DMX column, the console will not include this in the DMX footprint of the unit - they are "virtual" parameters. Hue, Saturation, and Brightness are used by the color picker for color matching, and they cannot be removed.
To make a channel a "virtual" parameter, make the value in the DMX column 0, and use the arrow keys to navigate away from that cell. When it is virtual, the Size field will be blank, as well as the DMX field.
For RGB mixing, intensity is a required parameter, and cannot be deleted. Even with LED fixtures without an intensity channel, the console uses intensity to "master" the output of the R,G,B,A,W, or other emitters automatically and adjust the output accordingly.
For a CMY (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) mixing, a color wheel, or scroller parameter, intensity can be removed -- this is useful when creating a color scroller or other accessory that is a part of a larger, compound channel.
In Eos 3.0.0 and higher, when creating or editing a custom fixture with Pan and/or Tilt Parameters the "virtual parameters" "X Focus", "Y Focus", and "Z Focus" will be created for Augment3d support.