How To Unpatch All Unused Channels on an Eos Family Console
The following steps will unpatch all channels not recorded into any cues.
If you are doing this in order to more easily channel check a show, our recommendation is that you use [Flexi]{Show Channels} instead, as a channel check will limit to the current flexi state.
This is useful for housekeeping, but can be dangerous and should be done with extreme caution.
Steps to Solution
- {Query} {Isn't In} [Cue] 1 [Thru] 170 [-] 7 [-] 105 [Record] [Group] 500 [Enter]
- This selects all channels that have no level in any cue and records them to a group. In this example, the show starts with cue 1 and ends with cue 170. We also exclude channels 7 and 105 from the group, which are not used in the show but are parked as non-dim power channels.
This example assumes you have a single cue list. If you have more than one list, please be sure to create a group for each list.
- Go to Patch
- [Group] 500 [At] [Enter] [Enter]
- This unpatches every channel in group 500, which contains every non-parked channel not used in the show.