How to Create a Blackout on Eos Family Console
A blackout is when you force all lights to go out, creating a completely black look. Aside from the Ion and Element, no other EOS family console has a dedicated Blackout key. However, there are multiple ways to achieve a blackout in EOS family show files. The two most common are via a cue and a Grandmaster/Blackout fader.
Creating a Blackout Cue
- Go to the cue before the cue that you would like to be a blackout
- [GoToCue] [X]
- Select all channels that are active and put them at level 0
- On Ion or Element Classic: [Shift] [+] {Select Last] {Select Active} [Out] [Enter]
- On other desks: [Select Active][Out][Enter]
- Record the next cue, using Block and Assert to stop changes that may be made to the previous cue and override any timing still completing
- [Record] [Cue] [Y] [Block] [More SK] {Assert} [Enter]
Mapping a grandmaster/blackout fader
- Go to Tab 36 for Fader Configuration
- Select the fader you would like to map to
- Click on the box above the fader that says unmapped, a box will pop up
- Click the box under Target and choose Grandmaster
- This fader will now be assigned as a grandmaster. If you press both bump buttons below the fader simultaneously, you will enact a blackout for any channels with values above 0.