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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Rec. 709 and Rec. 2020 Buttons in the CIE Color Pickers


For the CIE xy (CIE 1931) and CIE uv (CIE 1976), the triangle represents the RGB space as defined by the PLASA standard E1.54. Fixtures that comply to that standard can achieve any color within the triangle. The cone represents the color spectrum that we can see. Eos 3.0 added buttons in the CIE based color pickers to display the Rec. 709 and Rec. 2020 color spaces within these views as well.

Rec. 709

Rec. 709 is a common term to describe the color space used in HD video mastering. Even though this is associated with HD resolution, it is still the most common color space for delivering higher resolutions like UHD 4K for home video content.

Toggling the {709} button on the CIE Color Pickers will show a blue gamut line that indicates the colors within that color space:

Rec. 709.png

Rec. 2020

Rec. 2020 refers to a wider color space that was standardized for UHD 4K video mastering. Because most displays are still only capable of smaller gamuts than Rec. 2020, it is being used as a 'container' for smaller gamuts like P3

Toggling the {2020} button on the CIE Color Pickers will show a red gamut line that indicates the colors within that color space:

Rec. 2020.png


P3 is a theatrical color space standardized by DCI (Digital Cinema Initiatives), used in color grading. DCI-P3 gets converted into the XYZ 'container' for DCP (Digital Cinema Package) packaging and projection in theaters. P3 is also often used in HDR (High Dynamic Range) grading.

P3 is not displayed in Eos at this time.

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