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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Text Indicators on Channels/Tombstones in Live and Blind on Eos Family Consoles

Text indicators are used to show additional channel data.


Note: Color indicators also apply to text indicators.For example, red indicates a manual value that must be stored. 

_ Underlined value (white) indicates a system-applied block (also called an auto-block).

+ Found in place of parameter data in summary view. Indicates that not all parameters in that category are at the same value. This indicator is found only in the summary view or in table views when the parameters are collapsed into a category view.

! Indicates an ACN, RDM, or dimmer warning.

? Indicates an ACN, RDM, or dimmer error.

A Indicates the channel or parameter is asserted.

B Indicates the channel or parameter is manually blocked. This block must be stored.

C Captured channel if in yellow. Color Path if in any other color.

I Channel is controlled by an inhibitive submaster or grandmaster. When displayed in the Block flag, “I” indicates a cue level intensity block.

IP, CP, FP, BP Indicates that the value is referenced to a palette (Intensity, Color, Focus, or Beam). This text is followed by a number, indicating which palette is being referenced. This can be substituted with the palette label if the “Show Reference Label” setting is activated. Holding down [Shift] & [Label] will toggle between the palette label and palette number.

M Indicates a mark is placed, but manual, and must be stored. Is blue when stored.”m” indicates cue is not marking.

MK Indicates the channel is marked for a later cue. The cue number is indicated in the other categories (see “Q” below).

ND Indicates that a channel has been patched as a non-dim fixture type.

N Indicates the value is null (from either {Make Null} or a filter).

P Indicates the channel is parked.

Ph Indicates the channel is at a preheat level.

Pr Indicates that the value is referenced to a preset. This text is followed by a number, indicating which preset is being referenced. The preset label may also be shown if this setting is enabled. Holding down [Shift] & [Label] will toggle between the preset label and preset number.

Q Found in the non-intensity categories of a marked channel. The “Q” is followed by a number indicating which cue the mark is in preparation for.

t The channel has discrete (parameter/category-specific) timing.

S Indicates that a channel is stored to a shielded submaster.

R Indicates a manual reference override. Manual changes have been made that override a previously stored reference (such as to a palette or preset). Once recorded, the reference will be broken. If updated, the referenced target will be updated as well, unless otherwise instructed.

Indicates that a mark has been placed, but the mark is broken. 

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