Updating from Eos Family Version 2.1.0 or 2.1.1
Version 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 had an issue where an inverted pan or inverted tilt parameter would play back 1 degree off of its recorded value. It does not change its recorded value, it just plays it back incorrectly. Please note that in many instances, like wash fixtures or fixtures with short throw distances, this inaccuracy is not noticeable. There are, however, scenarios where you may see this. Version 2.1.2 fixes this issue.
When upgrading from version 2.1.0 or 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 or higher, please keep the following in mind:
If you updated to 2.1.0 or 2.1.1 from a previous version, but did not change the show data, you can update directly to 2.1.2. No special action is required.
If you wrote the show or changed show data in 2.1.0 or 2.1.1, you will need to adjust the pan and tilt values that were changed in 2.1.0 or 2.1.1.
If you use focus palettes and presets exclusively, this is very easy to accomplish.
- Create groups that selects all the fixtures with: inverted pan only, inverted tilt only, and inverted pan and tilt. This would need to be done manually.
- Double tap Focus Palette or Preset to open the list.
- Select all the palettes/presets.
- Type: [Group] "X" {Pan} [At] [+][-][0][1][Enter] to adjust the pan values. Use {Tilt} instead for the inverted tilt group, and {Pan}{Tilt} for the inverted pan and tilt group.
- Save the show - this is all that needs to be done.
If you have absolute (i.e., non-preset or palette) data for pan or tilt for the fixtures in cues, this becomes a bit trickier. If you didn't use presets or palettes, then you can select all the cues in a cue list (in Blind Spreadsheet) and adjust the pan/tilt parameters as previously described. You can get to Blind Spreadsheet by pressing blind, then pressing the [Format] key until you are in the spreadsheet view. Select all your cues, and then make the adjustment.
If you have a mix of absolute and referenced data, you will need to manually adjust each cue. There isn't a way to select the entire cue list, but only modify absolute data - it would change the presets/palettes at the same time.
If you have any questions about this, please Contact ETC Technical Services.