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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Submaster timing on Express consoles

Controlling submaster fades manually

When you press the bump button on a timed submaster, recorded fade times play back as you recorded them. The console allows you to use the slider to take manual control of submasters recorded with fade times.

The Submaster List shows the progress of the submaster’s fade. To override the fade, push the submaster’s slider to a higher level than the fade (lower, if inhibitive).

Once the slider passes the fade (or meets it at Full on pile-on submasters or zero on inhibitive submasters), control of the fade transfers to the slider and you have full manual control of the submaster. Move the slider to set the fade level.

Live Rate control

In Stage mode, selecting a submaster and pressing [S5], Rate, allows the timing of the submaster to be controlled by the trackpad or by keyboard entry.

Follow these steps to change the rate of an active submaster in Stage. (This procedure also works if the submaster is not active. In either case, the new rate is automatically recorded in the submaster.)

Keystrokes: Action:
1. Press [Stage]. Selects Live display
2. Press [Sub] [5]. Selects submaster 5
3. Press [S7], More Softkeys, until Rate appears at [S5].  
4. Press [S5], Rate. Activates rate control
Prompt reads:
Select submaster rate and press ENTER, or use wheel or trackpad to alter rate
(0 to 2000, 100 = Normal)
5. Move a finger on the trackpad.a Sets and records fade rate for submaster 5. If submaster is running, fade proceeds at new rate
6. Press [Enter]. Accepts the new rate

When the submaster rate is controlled dynamically by the trackpad, the submaster number turns blue in the Submaster List. See Submaster List, for more information.

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