Console Lights or Littlelites in Express
Express provides two 3-pin female XLR type connectors at the top rear of the console for the attachment of optional Littlite gooseneck console lights. Littlites come in 6-inch (6X-HI), 12-inch (12X-HI), and 18-inch (18X-HI) lengths. They are available from ETC or from your dealer.
CAUTION: Use of any other brand but Littlites is not recommended by ETC. The results may be unexpected.
After installing control lights, adjust light intensity with the knob located above the power switch on the console’s rear panel.
The lamps provide a 5 watt, high intensity light source, operating at 12 volts AC or DC and 380 mA. Lamp life is rated at 12 volts and will decrease with higher voltage operation.