Unparking Recorded Channels in Express
You can unpark all channels that are recorded into a cue, submaster, group or focus point.
Follow the procedure below to unpark the channels in a cue. To unpark channels in a submaster, group or focus point, press the [Sub], [Group] or [Focus Point] key in place of the [Cue] key in step 2 of this procedure.
Keystrokes: | Action: |
1. Press [Stage]. | Selects Stage display |
2. Press [S6], Park, [Cue]. | Prompt reads: Group mode - Select cue number to use as group, then press AT to park, or press Release to unpark |
3. Press [5] [Rel]. | Unparks cue five’s channels |
82 Parking focus point channels only takes the current levels in the focus point. It does not create a link to the focus point.