Obsession 4.4 SMPTE Bug Specifics (SMPTE Skips Every Other Event)
SCR #1089 A timing error occurs when running SMPTE.
Expected Results: Should fire each event per the timing allocated in SMPTE.
Results: When SMPTE show is fired Event 1 thru 5 each fire on time, but event 2 and 4 channels/levels are missed which is reflected in the cue list. Cue's 2 and 4 are skipped which are tied to event 2 and 4.
Step-by-Step to Reproduce:
User 1 Live: Chan 1>10 @ FL[enter].
Live: Record cue 1[enter. User 2 Live: Chan 13 >24 @ 50 [enter].
Live: Record cue 1[enter].
Set up the next four cues the same way ,but with different levels.
Set cues time at 2.2 .
Go to SMPTE.
Copy cues 1 thru 5 to event 1 thru 5. increment the timing as follows.
Event 1 2.2
Event 2 4.2
Event 3 6.2
Event 4 8.2
Event 5 10.2
Run SMPTE using internal clock. You can set start time at zero and last time at 14.
Run SMPTE [S4].
This bug is fixed in version 4.4.2.