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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Obsession II Crashes on Boot


Obsession II Crashes on Boot


This can sometimes be fixed by a deep clear, but you must follow this special procedure. As always, each processor must be deep cleared individually, then powered up together.

To clear a processor that locks on boot:

  1. Shut down the processor.  If a processor has locked up, you will need to remove power from the unit to get it to shut down.
  2. Plug a monitor into the diagnostic port and a keyboard into the keyboard port.
  3. Turn the processor back on.  Carefully watch the monitor and IMMEDIATELY after you see "Starting MS-DOS", press CTRL-C (Hold Control while pressing C).  You may need to hold the control key while repeatedly tapping the letter C.  If the command is accepted, you will be prompted with "Terminate Batch Job?"  Press "Y" then hit "Enter". Warning: Do not run "obs" or "obs 789" after hitting control-C. The Obsession will crash.
  4. You are now at the MS-DOS prompt.  The display will either read, "C:\>" or "C:\ETC>".  If you are at the "C:\ETC>" prompt, type in "cd .." to change directories to the ETC sub-directory.  The prompt should now read "C:>".
  5. At the "C:\>" prompt, type in "edit autoexec.bat" and hit "enter".  You will now be in the DOS editor window. The last line will read "OBS". Put the word "REM" in from of this so the last line will then read "REM OBS". Press the ALT key and hit F then S, to save your changes. Now hit Alt, then F, then X. This will exit the editor.
  6. Now turn off the processor and then turn it back on. Once it boots it should now go directly to a DOS prompt, do not hit control-C. The display will either read, "C:\>" or "C:\ETC>".  If you are at the "C:\ETC>" prompt, type in "cd .." to change directories to the ETC sub-directory.  The prompt should now read "C:>".
  7. At the "C:\>" prompt, type in "edit autoexec.bat" and hit "enter".  You will now be back in the DOS editor window. Delete the word "REM" from the last line so it will then again read "OBS". Press the ALT key and hit F then S, to save your changes. Now hit Alt, then F, then X. This will exit the editor.
  8. Once you return to the "C:\>" prompt, type in "cd etc" and press enter. Then type "obs 789" and hit "enter" (Note:There is a space between obs and 789 !).  The processor will launch Obsession while performing a deep clear.
  9. If you have a dual-processor system, shut down the processor that you just deep-cleared, and perform the above steps to the second processor.  Let it boot fully, then shut it down and reboot both processors together.
  10. xCheck to make sure that the show is gone.  Reload off of hard disk or floppy as needed.Note: If the Obsession still crashes on boot, follow this procedure again, but run the ISA960QA test before running obs 789. Please see the separate note describing the ISA960QA test.