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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Configuring ColorSource Spot and Fresnel V to Work With City Theatrical Multiverse SHoW Baby


City Theatrical Multiverse SHoW Baby do not automatically connect to ETC Fixtures with Multiverse receivers.

Explanation of Issue

ETC fixtures with Multiverse receivers default their SHoW ID to a Multiverse ID. The City Theatrical Multiverse SHoW Baby default to a SHoW DMX Neo ID. Either the transmitter or the receiver needs to be changed in order to properly pair them.

Multiverse SHoW ID: 4 or 5 digit number. 

SHoW DMX Neo ID: 3 digit number.

Changing ColorSource V Fixtures to a SHoW Neo ID via Fixture UI

As of fixture software version 1.1.0, to set a Neo ID from a Multiverse ID via the RAD - Id menu of the fixture UI, you can press and hold the down button until the ID reaches 100, then press down again to switch to the Neo IDs and select the desired ID. To get into the menu structure when the fixture does not have signal and is blinking it's address, press and hold the menu button until the DMX value is solid, then press and hold for 5 seconds until the menu structure is pulled up. This is not available in software version 1.0.0.

Changing ColorSource V Fixtures to a SHoW Neo ID via NFC

ColorSource multiverse fixtures can be changed to a SHoW DMX Neo ID using the ETC Set Light App with an NFC enabled smartphone. 

  • With the app open, pull the configuration from the fixture while holding your smartphone's NFC radio to the NFC tag of the fixture.
  • Make sure the fixture's radio is enabled under the Output Power Level menu. This is set to Off by default, which will disable the radio entirely and disable wireless communications.
  • Change the SHoW ID to a 3 digit number. That number will need to match the SHoW ID of the transmitter. The default for a Multiverse SHoW Baby is 201.
  • Push the configuration to the fixture.
multiverse setup.gif

ColorSource Spot V and ColorSource Fresnel can only display 3 digits on the UI. 

When checking the ID in the configuration menu it will display the  SHoW ID number and flash "nEo" on the display to confirm it is set to SHoW DMX Neo mode. By default, "nEo" would not display and the prefix 24 is assumed for the Multiverse ID.


CS Spot V ID.gif

Changing the Multiverse SHoW Baby Settings to a Multiverse SHoW ID via Concert

In Concert, the settings of the Multiverse SHoW Baby are set to ID 201. This is a SHoW DMX Neo ID. SB MV Default Settings.png

You can type in the Multiverse SHoW ID you wish to use and click apply changes. For example, the ColorSource Spot V's default would be 24100.



Change to CS Spot V default settings.png
The ID/Data indicator would then change to a Blue color, indicating that the SHoW Baby is in a custom SHoW ID mode.


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